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Anesthesia Services

St. Jude anesthesia providers are specially trained to keep your child comfortable and safe during surgery and other medical procedures.

Group photo of anesthesia team at Marlo Thomas Center

Anesthesia is the use of medicines to prevent pain and discomfort during medical tests, procedures, surgery, and other treatments. Anesthesia services are provided by a team of clinical staff in the Division of Anesthesiology. St. Jude anesthesia providers have years of training to know how to give general anesthesia and sedation for surgery and other procedures and provide medicines for pain control. 

Services we provide 

St. Jude anesthesia providers are specially trained to keep your child comfortable and safe during surgery and other medical procedures.  Our providers work to provide a personalized anesthesia plan based on patient needs. 

Our team of specialists uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to provide anesthesia care. Anesthesia services include:   

  • General anesthesia 
  • Regional anesthesia 
  • Local anesthesia 
  • Sedation 
  • Pain medicine 

Anesthesia providers work to provide a personalized anesthesia plan based on patient needs. 

Your anesthesia team 

St. Jude anesthesia providers have advanced training to understand the needs of pediatric patients and provide skilled anesthesia care. 

St. Jude anesthesia was awarded the Society of Pediatric Sedation accreditation and is a center of excellence for anesthesia care. We also work with other St. Jude clinicians and scientists and conduct research to advance patient care and safety and improve methods for pain control. 

What to expect during your visit 

Getting ready for anesthesia  

The anesthesia plan will depend on the specific procedure and your child’s medical history and diagnosis.  Before anesthesia, the care team will:  

  • Meet with you and your child to explain what to expect and answer questions   
  • Do a complete medical history and physical exam  
  • Give instructions for how to prepare for anesthesia, including fasting guidelines if needed    

 A child life specialist may also work with the medical team to help your child prepare for anesthesia.   

Fasting (NPO) guidelines  

Before general anesthesia, you will be given instructions for when your child must stop eating or drinking before their procedure. This is known as NPO or fasting guidelines. NPO is short for a Latin phrase that means “nothing by mouth.” 

Having anything in the stomach during general anesthesia can put your child at risk for getting food or liquid in the lungs. Even chewing gum or sucking on hard candy could be a risk and cause a delay in the procedure.   

Talk to the care team about your child’s other medicines. The care team may suggest changes to medicines before or after anesthesia.   

Always follow the care team’s instructions. This is important to keep patients safe.  

During anesthesia  

If your child has general anesthesia, you or 1 family caregiver can usually stay with your child until they are asleep. Patients are closely monitored during the procedure to make sure they are safe and comfortable. An anesthesia provider is with your child at all times. 

After anesthesia  

After the procedure, your child will be taken to a recovery area for monitoring. Staff members will call you to the recovery area to be with your child as they wake up.   

Frequently asked questions about anesthesia 

Learn more   

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