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Best Upon Request (BEST) is a free service that helps St. Jude patients and families with everyday tasks.
Best Upon Request (BEST) is a national concierge service company that helps you take care of errands and simple tasks. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital offers this free service to patient families who are here for treatment. BEST can help you arrange, plan, or organize non-medical tasks that you do not have time to do.
BEST can help you spend more time with your child and other family members. The service will also give you more time to focus on your child’s medical care and healing.
This free service can help you and your family with:
BEST staff cannot:
Ask BEST if they offer a service. If they do not, they might be able to help you find what you need. This may include getting you a list of companies that can provide the service.
Start by filling out the Best Upon Request Enrollment Form. BEST operates on a first-come, first-served basis. We will contact you before fulfilling your request.
Once you have enrolled, there are 4 ways to make a request:
You only pay for the cost of the goods and services BEST gets for you. Use cash or major credit cards to pay the vendor or make your payment to BEST. Our concierges do not accept tips.
To make it easier, you can also keep your credit card on file with BEST. You may update credit card details as needed using the Best Upon Request credit card authorization form.
Before you order groceries online, check with BEST to see if they are available for pick-up and delivery.
After BEST has fulfilled your request, please complete the feedback form and tell them how they did.
Please recommend this service to other St. Jude patients and families who need help.
BEST is located at the Guest Services Desks in the Patient Care Center and Chili’s Care Center lobbies. These desks are staffed Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. You can also ask your nurse navigator about BEST when you first arrive at the hospital.
BEST hours of operation
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
To contact BEST:
Phone: 901-595-4000
Toll-free: 1-866-278-5833 and ask to be connected to the Concierge Services desk