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Department of Radiology

The Radiology team at St. Jude provides a broad range of imaging tests. Imaging tests are a way to take detailed pictures of the inside of the body. They are an important part of diagnosing and monitoring your child’s disease.

Diagnostic imaging specialisit performing CT scan and viewing results

Services we provide

Our team of leading technologists provides specialized imaging to guide expert diagnosis and treatment. We do several types of imaging tests. They include:

These tests give details to:

  • Diagnose your child’s medical condition
  • Find out the extent of the disease
  • See if the disease is responding to treatment
  • Monitor remission (disappearance of signs of disease)
  • See any growth of the disease
  • Monitor any side effects

Your Radiology team

Our technologists are certified and registered in their specialties. They work closely with St. Jude radiologists to play an important role in patient care.  

Our team is made up of:

  • MRI technologists
  • CT technologists
  • Nuclear medicine technologists 
  • X-ray technologists
  • Interventional radiology technologist
  • Sonographers (ultrasound)

What to expect in Radiology

Your child may need 1 or all of these tests. Your child’s doctor or radiologist will explain each test to you. A radiologist is a doctor who has special training in capturing and analyzing images of areas inside the body. If the doctor orders an imaging test, the staff will give you details about how to prepare for the test. 

Please take your child to the Radiology waiting area 15 minutes before your check-in time. Check in with the patient representative at the desk as soon as you arrive. After you check in, do not leave the waiting area until your child has completed their test.

It is important to be on time. This helps us stay on schedule so all patients can have tests at their scheduled time. To keep things on track, we may have to cancel your appointment if you are late. If you cannot be at your planned visit, please call your primary clinic so they can give your test time to another patient.

If your child is in an inpatient room at the hospital, they may have some imaging tests in their patient room.

Learn more

Radiology is on the 1st floor of the Chili's Care Center.

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