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Staying at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

While at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, there may be times when your child needs procedures or treatment at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Le Bonheur is about 1.5 miles (about a 5-minute drive) from St. Jude. The following details provide information about staying there. 


Shuttle buses: St. Jude will shuttle you and your child to Le Bonheur (1 round trip each day per family). Call St. Jude Patient Services at 901-595-4501 for shuttle pickups.


St. Jude will provide a daily allowance for food purchases while at Le Bonheur. The funds will be loaded to your child’s St. Jude-issued debit card. Call St. Jude Patient Services at 901-595-4501 for details.


St. Jude families stay in their St. Jude housing while at Le Bonheur.


Parking at Le Bonheur is free for all family members and guests. You may park in the following areas:

Both locations offer handicap parking. 

Map of the campus of Le Bonheur Children's Hospital

The entrance to the parking garage and parking lot is on Washington Avenue, west of Dunlap. The parking garage is monitored by a security officer and security cameras 24 hours a day. You may park on any level, except in reserved spaces.

If you want a security officer to escort you to your car, call Le Bonheur Security at 901-287-6017.

The Emergency Department parking lot is located off North Pauline. It is for Emergency Department patients only. If your child is admitted to the hospital, please park in the lot at 848 Adams or in the parking garage at 130 N. Manassas.

To get to the hospital from the parking garage: 

  • Exit the parking garage on the east side of the building.
  • Walk down the hallway between the Outpatient Clinic and the Faculty Office Building.
  • Enter the Outpatient Clinic to your left.
  • Take the stairs or elevator to the ground floor. 
  • When you exit the elevator on the ground floor, follow the tunnel to the hospital.
  • Please note that the tunnel closes at 6 p.m. After 6 p.m., you can cross the street at Dunlap and continue straight through the breezeway to the hospital’s main entrance. 

Staying at Le Bonheur

Parents may stay with their child overnight in the room. All patient rooms are private and have sleeping space for 2 family members.

Playroom for siblings: Le Bonheur has a supervised playroom for siblings of patients. Talk to the child life specialist on your child’s unit for details.

Visitors: Families and guests are welcome at Le Bonheur any time. Visitors must check in at the welcome desk and be issued an ID sticker to wear while inside the hospital.

Please do not visit if you are not feeling well. You are welcome to call the child’s room by dialing 901-287-5437 and giving the patient’s name and room number.

Washers and dryers are available to parents 24 hours a day. Talk to your child’s nurse for location and detergent.

A family room on each floor contains a microwave, coffee maker, refrigerator, and other resources.

Le Bonheur support staff

  • Social work  – Available 24 hours a day. Call 901-287-3129.
  • Chaplain  Available 24 hours a day. Call 901-287-6024.
  • Language interpreters – Talk to the nurse or social worker if you need interpreting services.
  • Child Life – Le Bonheur has child life specialists to help your child during a hospital stay. You can reach Child Life at 901-287-6021.

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