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St. Jude offers transportation options for our patients and their families.

Exterior of St. Jude building with shuttle van parked

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital provides transportation options for patients and their families during their stay.

Services we provide

St. Jude offers free parking and valet service, as well as free shuttle services. The hospital is building 2 new clinic and office buildings on campus. Visit the Parking and Construction page to learn how this will affect transportation during your visit. 

Travel support

After acceptance as a patient, St. Jude helps families with travel costs based on distance.

  • Up to 35 miles from St. Jude: We will arrange for transportation or pay for auto mileage.
  • More than 35 miles from St. Jude: We will arrange bus or rail travel, or we will pay for auto mileage.
  • 50 or more miles from St. Jude: We will help with the cost of a rental car, arrange bus or rail travel, or pay for auto mileage. 
  • More than 250 miles from St. Jude: We will arrange for air, bus, or rail travel; pay for auto mileage; or assist with the cost of a rental car.

You must ask for all help with travel in advance. You can request reimbursement for auto mileage after you arrive at St. Jude.

Car seat guidelines

Tennessee state law requires that all drivers and front seat passengers in vehicles must wear safety belts. The driver of the car is responsible for making sure that children under age 16 are properly restrained. If the child's parent or legal guardian is present in the car but not driving, the parent or legal guardian is responsible for making sure that the child is properly transported. 

The parent or legal guardian may be fined for failing to restrain their child correctly. See the Tennessee Child Restraint Law to learn more.

Visit for a list of recalled car seats. This site also ranks many new car seats on how easy they are to use and how well they secure your child. 

Learn more

Contact Patient Services for help with transportation. They are located in Family Commons and are open:

  • Sunday: 5–9 p.m.
  • Monday–Thursday: 7 a.m.–9 p.m.
  • Friday: 7 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Closed on Saturdays and holidays

Phone: 901-595-4501

Toll-free: 1-866-278-5833, ext. 4501

The staff at Tri Delta Place can help with transportation when Patient Services is closed.