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Childhood Cancer Treatment

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is one of the world’s premier research and treatment centers for childhood cancer. Our discoveries and exceptional patient care have helped to change childhood cancer from almost always fatal to a diagnosis that most children in the United States survive.

Our focus remains the same: Finding cures and limiting side effects for young people wherever they live. We are also committed to helping adult survivors of childhood cancer enjoy the best possible quality of life. 

Why St. Jude for childhood cancer treatment?

A few of the reasons to choose St. Jude for care include:

  • At St. Jude, we have created an environment where children can be children and families can be together.
  • We lead more clinical trials for childhood cancer than any other hospital in the U.S.
  • We are consistently ranked among the best childhood cancer centers in the nation by US News & World Report.
  • St. Jude is the only National Cancer Institute–designated Comprehensive Cancer Center just for children. A Comprehensive Cancer Center meets rigorous standards for research that develops new and better approaches to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.
  • The nurse-to-patient ratio at St. Jude is about 1:3 in hematology and oncology and 1:1 in the Intensive Care Unit.
  • Patients may be able to get expert, compassionate care and treatment closer to their homes through the St. Jude Affiliate Program.
  • The Pediatric Cancer Genome Project is an example of how our research is changing the diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with cancer. The project included whole genome sequencing and analysis of tumor and normal tissue from hundreds of young cancer patients. St. Jude and the University of Washington School of Medicine led the effort.

Treatment information

We treat children, teens, and young adults with different cancers. They include:

A statue of children running and holding hands

Seeking treatment at St. Jude

Patients accepted to St. Jude must have a disease we treat and must be referred by a physician or other qualified medical professional. We accept most patients based on their ability to enroll in an open clinical trial.

How to seek treatment

Childhood cancer clinical trials

Our clinical trials have helped to transform childhood cancer treatment around the world. We also make discoveries that will lead to better treatment for children and young adults around the world. Clinical trials are key to meeting those.

Contact the Physician / Patient Referral Office

Call: 1-888-226-4343 (toll-free) or 901-595-4055 (local)  | Fax: 901-595-4011 | Email: | 24-hour pager: 1-800-349-4334


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