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Communication Needs: Translation and Interpretation

Medical interpreter with patient family

You are your child’s main caregiver. To give your child the best care, members of the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital staff must be able to communicate with you. And it is just as important that you can easily and comfortably talk with staff and understand them. 

Communication services, including interpreters and translated patient information, are available at St. Jude.

These services can help you share information about your child and understand your child’s diagnosis and treatment. It is important that you can communicate well with the staff at St. Jude.

The information you share helps the St. Jude staff:

  • Learn about your child’s health history
  • Plan your child’s treatment
  • Monitor your child for changes and needs while at St. Jude

Services we provide

We provide services to help ensure communication. 

We want to help support you with any communication needs. These services are free. They help us care for your child and your family in the best way possible. 

Services we offer include:

  • Language interpreters: For families who prefer a language other than English, we have on-site interpreters for Spanish and French as well as video and over-the-phone interpreting services for other languages.

  • Other communication support: The St. Jude care team can offer help based on each family’s needs. These needs may include:
    • Seeing or vision help
    • Hearing support 
    • Reading support or help with understanding information
  • Translations: At St. Jude, we offer most of our education materials in other languages. Let your child’s care team know if you need translated materials. 

If you have trouble speaking with or understanding anyone on your child’s care team, please tell a staff member. We want to help you.

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