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St. Jude Family of Websites
Explore our cutting edge research, world-class patient care, career opportunities and more.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Home
Learn about published research as well as leading-edge basic and translational research initiatives from St. Jude laboratories.
Will a new genome sequencing data mining technique reveal the mother lode of secrets for treating cancer and other catastrophic diseases?
A recently discovered mutation that occurs when the flu virus is exposed Xofluza could also cause drug resistance.
For 12 years, science didn’t know how certain immune responses were activated. They do now, and it may lead to new cancer treatments.
New findings from St. Jude study Genomes 4 Kids suggest many actionable mutations are missed without a three-platform genomic sequencing approach that includes WGS.
House of blood or house of guts? Read how this internal Sorting Hat decides where cells go.
Ever heard of Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome? A St. Jude lab found the mutation that causes it.
Recent studies highlight efficacy and safety issues of CRISPR. While the results are important, read why we should wait before drawing conclusions.
There were 110 suspect genes. We found the six that could lead to childhood brain tumors.
You really trust the ‘latest and greatest?’ Over-hyped scientific discoveries that haven’t been thoroughly tested create false hope for cures.
Don’t fall for the trap: Follow these 4 steps to help ensure your experimental results are statistically significant.