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Nursing Team of the Year Award

This award honors St. Jude nursing teams that provide superb care.

The Nursing Team of the Year award is given to nursing teams that go above and beyond to identify and meet the needs of patients and families and demonstrate St. Jude Values

2024 Nursing Team of the Year Award

The 2024 Nursing Team of the Year award honored the 5K nursing team, who work on the 5th floor of the Kay Research and Care Center. Their patients include those with solid tumors and brain tumors, as well as those who have had surgery

This team works together seamlessly, always supporting each other. Families often express their gratitude for the emotional support and excellent care provided by 5K nurses.

The team showed their dedication to patient safety by starting projects to improve care and education. They also reached an important goal by keeping their patients free of central-line infections for a year.

Through their dedication, exceptional patient care, interpersonal support, and commitment to their profession, this team embodies the St. Jude values and service to patients and families. 

5K Nursing team at annual gala

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