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St. Jude provides ID badges for patients and families.
To increase campus security and comfort, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital issues ID badges and lanyards to patients and families on campus and in St. Jude housing.
You can use your ID badge to access services and housing. Use it to:
Some features may not be available until 24 hours after your badge is created or access is assigned.
Badges enhance campus safety in several ways. They can:
You will continue to use your badge as your St. Jude ID. If you go home for a break, remember to bring the badge to St. Jude when you return.
We issue badges to:
Caregivers may decline a badge for patients and siblings. If a patient or sibling ages 12–18 gets a badge, the caregiver will decide whether they have door access. All badges can be used to pay for meals at dining locations.
You can have your badge made at:
Find your way with the Our St. Jude app.
A registrar or a security officer will take your photograph, print the badge, and issue it to you. When on campus or in housing, please wear your badge where it can be seen above the waist. Please do not share your badge with anyone.
It takes just a few minutes to take your photo and print your badge.
Visit the Family Commons Maker Space to add fun flair and personalize your lanyard and badge.
Speak with a security officer, a registrar, or a member of the housing guest service team if your badge:
If you forgot to bring your badge or left it in your home, car, or housing facility, please go to any scheduled appointments. After your appointments, go as soon as possible to Registration or Security to get a temporary or replacement badge.
Lost badges are deactivated as soon as you report them, so no one can use them to get into your room.
If you find someone else’s badge, please take it to Security.
If you cannot scan your badge at a dining location, tell the cashier your patient medical record number (MRN) until the issue is resolved.