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SJWT21: Study of Proton Therapy in Patients with Wilms Tumor following Nephrectomy

About this study

This is a study to find out how well proton therapy treats Wilms tumor without damaging nearby healthy tissues.

The standard treatment for Wilms tumor is surgery plus chemotherapy, followed by radiation, in some cases. The type of radiation patients generally receive is called photon radiation. This procedure uses high-energy x-rays that pass through the tumor and come out the other side.

This study uses a different type of radiation, called proton radiation. It uses particles instead of x-rays. These particles deliver most of their radiation inside the tumor. This method reduces the chance of damaging surrounding tissue.

If you participate in this study, you will receive chemotherapy drugs and surgery, if needed, followed by proton therapy. Your response to this treatment will be compared to that of patients who had photon radiation in the past.

Eligibility overview

  • Diagnosis of Wilms tumor

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Full title:

Multi-Center Trial Sponsored by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Patient's With Wilm's Tumor Requiring Abdominal Radiation Delivered With Proton Beam Irradiation

Study goal:

The main goal of this study is to find out if proton therapy causes fewer long-term side effects in patients with Wilms tumor than standard radiation treatment.


Wilms Tumor

Clinical trials categories:

Childhood Cancer Solid Tumors Wilms Tumor

For physicians and researchers

Patients accepted to St. Jude must be referred by a physician or other qualified medical professional. Learn how St. Jude can partner with you to care for your patient.


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