Author Profile

Sarah Currie, RNC, MSN, NEA-BC

Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Executive

Sarah Currie, RNC, MSN, NEA-BC, is a Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Executive of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Stories by Sarah Currie

RSV illustration
RSV illustration

Ramilo brings RSV expertise to St. Jude

Alex Generous, PhD

Discover Ramilo's plans for St. Jude RSV research.

St. Jude on Analysis illustration
St. Jude on Analysis illustration
St. Jude On

How scientists visualize and analyze T cells

Stefan Schattgen, PhD and Beiyun Liu, PhD

Scientists at St. Jude use a variety of tools to study T cells, including some they create themselves.

Cancer on planet illustration
Cancer on planet illustration

Metastatic cancer cells thrive in harsh microenvironments

Erin Podolak, MA

Like a journey through space, metastatic cells have to adapt to spread throughout the body.

Car T-Cells illustration
Car T-Cells illustration
St. Jude On

Engineering a new kind of therapy

Jeremy Chase Crawford and Allison Kirk, MS

Scientists at St. Jude are at the forefront of research to design and develop novel CAR T-cell therapies.

Data driven progress illustration
Data driven progress illustration

Data-driven science helps researchers design new protein interactions

Erin Podolak, MA

With a comprehensive approach to thinking about data, St. Jude scientists are fueling progress.

Immunology fate and function illustration
Immunology fate and function illustration
St. Jude On

Understanding the complex networks behind a functional adaptive immune system

Nicole Chapman

Explore how a T cell knows what it is, and what to do, through research happening at St. Jude.

Genetics: 5 Discoveries illustration
Genetics: 5 Discoveries illustration
St. Jude On

St. Jude on Genetics: 5 Discoveries to Explore

Mark Hatley, MD, PhD

Catch up on St. Jude On Genetics with 5 Discoveries to Explore.

St. Jude on Immunity graphic
St. Jude on Immunity graphic
St. Jude On

Immunity in the spotlight: how vaccinations and the immune system protect us

Robert Mettelman, PhD and Aisha Souquette, PhD

Researchers at St. Jude explain what immunity is and how it works.

Xiaomeng Yuan, PhD, and Haitao Pan, PhD
Xiaomeng Yuan, PhD, and Haitao Pan, PhD

Biostatisticians are key to getting therapies to patients faster

Xiaomeng Yuan, PhD and Haitao Pan, PhD

Platform Design, a software package, enables clinicians to add study arms to a clinical trial.

Michael McNeil, MD, MPH
Michael McNeil, MD, MPH

Global palliative care requires on-the-ground understanding

Michael J. McNeil, MD

The ADAPT study revealed barriers that stand in the way of palliative care in Latin America.