Author Profile

Destiny Hinton

Destiny HInton

Destiny Hinton is a communications intern in the Department of Communications & Scientific and Medical Content Outreach at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Stories by Destiny Hinton

people in atrium
people in atrium

St. Jude National Graduate Student Symposium is a catalyst for postdoc recruitment and career advancement

LaToyia P. Downs, PhD

Discover how the National Graduate Student Symposium fosters postdoc recruitment and career growth at St. Jude.

Man in blue shirt working at a computer with large screen monitor
Man in blue shirt working at a computer with large screen monitor

The “tall tail” behind ultrafast endocytosis

Brian O'Flynn, PhD

 Dive into the latest findings on synaptic vesicle dynamics

Five Discoveries on Clinical Trials
Five Discoveries on Clinical Trials
St. Jude On

St. Jude On Clinical Trials: 5 Discoveries to Explore

Elizabeth Fox, MD, MS

Watch as Beth Fox, MD, MS, breaks down 5 Discoveries to Explore from the series St. Jude On Clinical Trials.

Man and woman talking while standing next to a table.
Man and woman talking while standing next to a table.

Clinical trial disentangles immune issues and boosts anti-cancer effect of bone marrow transplantation

Brian O'Flynn, PhD

Phase II clinical trial results show promise in reducing graft-versus-host disease

illustration of people standing under an umbrella in front of a backdrop of  varying buildings.
illustration of people standing under an umbrella in front of a backdrop of  varying buildings.

St. Jude Global and Indonesian stakeholders unite for first-ever national childhood cancer policy planning

Lance Wiedower

Learn about St. Jude Global’s efforts to advance pediatric cancer control planning in Indonesia, a first-of-its-kind effort in the nation.

illustration of a brain tumor
illustration of a brain tumor

Understanding the clinical outcomes of a rare but distinct low-grade glioma

Brian O'Flynn, PhD

Putting patients first offers holistic view of disease

Peter McKinnon
Peter McKinnon
Investigator Insights

5 Questions for Peter McKinnon, PhD

Peter McKinnon, PhD and Brian O'Flynn, PhD

Explore how the Center for Pediatric Neurological Disease Research seeks to identify and understand the genes which drive neurological disease

St. Jude On

Looking back on four decades of pediatric clinical research with Victor Santana, MD

Emilia Asante, PhD

See how clinical trials research has advanced treatment throughout the decades at St. Jude and the global community.

large group of teens
large group of teens

Student mentors add an extra level of support to High School Research Immersion Program

LaToyia P. Downs, PhD

Learn how student mentors improve lab productivity and provide support during the St. Jude STEMM Education and Outreach High School Research Immersion Program.

St. Jude On

Strength in numbers: Cooperative group clinical trials move the needle against pediatric cancer

Erin Podolak, MA

Cooperative groups make it possible to more quickly and effectively study novel therapeutic approaches for treating pediatric cancers such as neuroblastoma through clinical trials.