Author Profile

Aimee Talleur, MD

Assistant Member, Faculty

Aimee Talleur, MD

Aimee Talleur, MD, is a faculty member in the Bone Marrow Transplant Department at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. View full bio.

Stories by Aimee Talleur

Learn the basics of CAR T-cell immunotherapy and how it is being used in the SJCAR19 clinical trial for acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Learn the basics of CAR T-cell immunotherapy and how it is being used in the SJCAR19 clinical trial for acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Learn the basics of CAR T-cell therapy and how it is being used in the SJCAR19 clinical trial at St. Jude

Aimee Talleur, MD

Learn the basics of CAR T-cell immunotherapy and how it is being used in the SJCAR19 clinical trial for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.