Author Profile

Lily Guenther, MD

Lily Guenther, MD, is an assistant faculty member in the Department of Oncology at St. Jude. View full bio.

Stories by Lily Guenther

Lisa Jacola
Lisa Jacola

Pain may be a risk factor for learning problems in childhood cancer survivors

Mary Powers

Researchers are focusing on treatment-related pain as another way to reduce the risk of learning and memory problems in survivors of childhood leukemia.

Lecture series logo
Lecture series logo
Investigator Insights

Rising Stars of Cancer Research lectures to bring fresh insights

Mary Powers

The Rising Stars of Cancer Research program is a new to the Science of Childhood Cancer lecture series. The program highlights the work of emerging leaders in the cancer research community.


St. Jude Global Alliance holds third annual convening

Lance Wiedower

Empower Everyone was the theme of the St. Jude Global Alliance Convening, a virtual meeting that attracted participants from around the world.


CoNGA: Deciphering the dance of T-cell differentiation

Stefan Schattgen, PhD

St. Jude scientists have created an algorithm to help group T-cells by their function by evaluating two different types of data, T-cell receptor sequences and gene expression.

Walter Hughes sits at a desk early in his career
Walter Hughes sits at a desk early in his career
Investigator Insights

St. Jude mourns the death of infectious diseases pioneer Walter Hughes, MD

Mike O’Kelly

Walter Hughes, MD, who established the St. Jude Department of Infectious Diseases and initiated pediatric AIDS research at the hospital, has died.

Haitao Pan, PhD
Haitao Pan, PhD

St. Jude biostatisticians create a novel clinical trial design software

St. Jude Progress

Description: St. Jude biostatisticians have developed a new method for designing phase 2 clinical trials with a small sample size. The approach uses a mathematical model called Bayesian probability . The researchers created free software to implement the process.

Meeting graphic
Meeting graphic

Bringing Chemistry to Medicine: Transcription therapy symposium is set for July 22 and 23

Mike O’Kelly

St. Jude will host the virtual Bringing Chemistry to Medicine Symposium July 22–23. The inaugural event in 2020 prompted a researcher in India to become a visiting scientist at St. Jude. Register for the event.

image of matches with one burnt in the middle
image of matches with one burnt in the middle

When work takes a toll: St. Jude research adds to our understanding of physician burnout.

Jonathan Burlison and Lindsay Blazin

St. Jude researchers looked at burnout and perceived work demands among St. Jude physicians and found that emotional exhaustion and time demands are key factors in a problem that affects both provider and patient.

Stronger Together
Stronger Together
Investigator Insights

Connections with colleagues: A St. Jude pediatric psychologist has renewed appreciation for an overlooked benefit of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Elyse Heidelberg, PsyD

A pediatric psychologist expresses gratitude for interdisciplinary collaboration, which elevates patient care and provider well-being.

Martine Roussel, PhD, stands for a portrait with her lab blurred out in the background.
Martine Roussel, PhD, stands for a portrait with her lab blurred out in the background.
Investigator Insights

Roussel’s early discovery shaped a career of cancer research

St. Jude Communications Department

Martine Roussel, PhD, faculty member and endowed chair in molecular oncogenesis, shares how early work on oncogenes led to her lab’s discovery of new oncogenes.