Author Profile

Laura Jolovic

Radiation Therapist

Laura Jolovic is a radiation therapist in the St. Jude Department of Radiation Oncology

Stories by Laura Jolovic

The St. Jude School Program’s new principal has learned a thing or two
The St. Jude School Program’s new principal has learned a thing or two

The St. Jude School Program’s new principal has learned a thing or two

Barry Wolverton

It’s difficult to do school when you’re fighting cancer, but this new approach to learning may make learning fun again for cancer patients.

Pediatric immunotherapy: How two immunologists are paving the way for improved treatments
Pediatric immunotherapy: How two immunologists are paving the way for improved treatments

Pediatric immunotherapy: How two immunologists are paving the way for improved treatments

Caleigh Morr

Two friends and research colleagues are looking at different stages of the immune response to pave the way for enhanced cancer treatments.

How my global journey led to St. Jude
How my global journey led to St. Jude
Investigator Insights

How my global journey led to St. Jude

Shaloo Puri, MD

An early dream of being an astronaut planted the seeds of exploration and making a difference in this college dean.

Postdoc mentoring: How one lab created a culture of support and success
Postdoc mentoring: How one lab created a culture of support and success

Postdoc mentoring: How one lab created a culture of support and success

Caleigh Morr

A researcher who works with their lab members accomplish more than he or she ever could alone. Learn how Dr. Mark Hatley mentors his postdocs.

A not-so-bitter pill to swallow
A not-so-bitter pill to swallow

A not-so-bitter pill to swallow

Keith Crabtree, PhD

Pill swallowing should be easy – imagine the stress when the pills are life-saving and you have a physical condition that makes it difficult – what then?

New chemotherapies change the paradigm of cancer treatment
New chemotherapies change the paradigm of cancer treatment

New chemotherapies change the paradigm of cancer treatment

Arijit Basu

New treatments have led to new thinking and new approaches to pediatric cancer – and sometimes, a cure isn’t the goal.

Lando: Star Wars smuggler or possible ally against Alzheimer’s disease?
Lando: Star Wars smuggler or possible ally against Alzheimer’s disease?

Lando: Star Wars smuggler or possible ally against Alzheimer’s disease?

Mary Powers

High science calls on Star Wars character as a potential ally against Alzheimer’s disease.

SJELIOT clinical trial of children’s brain tumor therapy
SJELIOT clinical trial of children’s brain tumor therapy

SJELIOT clinical trial explores a new approach for recurring and unresponsive medulloblastoma tumors

Gary Bridgman

St. Jude is testing adult cancer drug prexasertib in children with recurrent or refractory medulloblastoma to inhibit checkpoint kinase chk1/2.

17th Generation Samurai Fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at St. Jude
17th Generation Samurai Fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at St. Jude
Investigator Insights

The 17 Samurai

Hiroto Inaba, MD, PhD

Hiroto Inaba: scientist, pediatric oncologist and "first son" of an old samurai family. His unfortunate enemy: childhood cancer.

Patient care and clinical informatics: A balance between technology and clinical care
Patient care and clinical informatics: A balance between technology and clinical care

Patient care and clinical informatics: creating balance between technology and clinical care

Kerry Hillis Goff

A physician scientist updates the St. Jude model of research and clinical care, transforming clinical informatics.