Author Profile

Chris Pennington

Chris Pennington
Chris Pennington is managing editor of content in the Communications Department at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Stories by Chris Pennington

Andrea Stubbs points to finding her niche while working to address youth HIV acquisition and transmission, and plans to use those same skills to increase HPV vaccinations.
Andrea Stubbs points to finding her niche while working to address youth HIV acquisition and transmission, and plans to use those same skills to increase HPV vaccinations.
Investigator Insights

Making purposeful connections to help others grow and develop

Chris Pennington

Andrea Stubbs shares her experiences that shaped her career in community outreach to raise awareness for both HIV and HPV.

An approach to science shaped by practical creativity and a curious spirit
An approach to science shaped by practical creativity and a curious spirit
Investigator Insights

Miller’s approach to science shaped by practical creativity and a curious spirit

Chris Pennington

Shondra Miller, PhD, director of the Center for Advanced Genome Engineering, credits her parents for instilling a love of science.

Learning the connection between research and the people it helps
Learning the connection between research and the people it helps

Learning the connection between research and the people it helps

Chris Pennington

St. Jude highlights Regina Kolaitis, PhD, who shares the moment she learned about the connection between her research and the people it helped.

Paramedic training framed career decision to become a physician
Paramedic training framed career decision to become a physician
Investigator Insights

Paramedic training framed career decision to become a physician

Chris Pennington

St. Jude highlights Holly Spraker-Perlman, MD, who credits working as a paramedic as inspiring her medical career.

Producing the cancer reference book for central nervous system tumors
Producing the cancer reference book for central nervous system tumors

Producing the cancer reference book for central nervous system tumors

Chris Pennington

Read what this physician-researcher does to set the standard for central nervous system cancers and treatments.

Researchers identify new necroptosis triggers
Researchers identify new necroptosis triggers

Researchers identify new molecular triggers for cell’s 'executioner'

Chris Pennington

Read how this molecule rips the “skin” of the cell to kill it, and how research is learning how this power is unleased.


10,000 reasons St. Jude Cloud can help advance science

Chris Pennington

10,000 reasons St. Jude Cloud can help advance science

Bereaved parent mentors help fellow St. Jude parents and also guide the clinical teams to help provide the best quality of life for patients
Bereaved parent mentors help fellow St. Jude parents and also guide the clinical teams to help provide the best quality of life for patients

Bereaved parent mentors use their past to assist patients, parents and clinical team

Chris Pennington

Read how surviving parents are working with St. Jude to help guide health care and quality of life for future St. Jude patients.

Students Learn About STEM Careers as St. Jude Science Scholars - St. Jude Progress Blog
Students Learn About STEM Careers as St. Jude Science Scholars - St. Jude Progress Blog

Students explore STEM opportunities as Science Scholars

Chris Pennington

High school students explore research career opportunities during Science Scholars of Tomorrow. View photos from the event.