"Why don't spiders get caught in their own webs?"

Kids aren’t thinking about HPV—that’s why you need to.

HPV Affects Everyone

HPV Causes 6 Types of Cancer

HPV is responsible for nearly 40,000 cases of cancer each year.

HPV is Very Common

Almost everyone gets HPV at some point.

HPV is Preventable

On-time HPV vaccination is safe, effective, and proven to protect your child.

A family in their home talking and laughing together while sitting on a couch.

HPV Vaccination Prevents Cancer

You can protect your child against 6 types of cancer by making on-time HPV vaccination a priority. HPV is very common, and most people will get it at some point. Your choice to vaccinate today will help lead to an HPV cancer-free tomorrow.

Image slider

A portrait of a young boy with glasses smiling outdoors in front of trees.
A portrait of a young boy with glasses smiling outdoors in front of trees.
A portrait of a teenage girl smiling while wearing glasses.
A portrait of a teenage girl smiling while wearing glasses.

Every Child Deserves HPV Protection

All children should get HPV vaccination.


Ages 9-12


Ages 9-12

  • Maximize your child’s protection against HPV cancers 
  • “On-time” vaccination starts at age 9 and is completed by the 13th birthday
  • Two-dose series for most children in this age range

HPV Vaccine Schedule for Preteens


Ages 13-17


Ages 13-17

  • HPV vaccination is recommended for all teens—there’s still time to protect your child
  • Two-dose series for most children under age 15 
  • Three-dose series for children older than age 15

HPV Vaccine Schedule for Teens

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Show your support for HPV vaccination and help protect your patients.