St. Jude BioHackathon

St. Jude BioHackathon September 4-6, 2024


The St. Jude KIDS24 (Knowledge in Data Science) BioHackathon will be held from September 4-6, 2024 in association with the St. Jude KIDS24 Data Science Symposium.

If you have an idea for a challenge you would like to see a team work on please consider submitting.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out our interest form, submit a project proposal, or email

What is a hackathon?


An event where diverse, multidisciplinary participants gather, collaborate, and build software-based solutions that address real-world needs during a 48-72-hour span. Hackathons foster new relationships among community researchers, encouraging the sharing of knowledge and ideas. Participants are provided the opportunity to flex their creative muscles while building solutions that address existing challenges – often acquiring new skills in the process.

Why participate in a Hackathon?

Spark Collaboration

Meet and collaborate with St. Jude bioinformaticists, computational biologists, biostatisticians, imaging experts, data scientists, software engineers, and more. St. Jude has well over 200 employees with computational job titles across nearly all departments. The Hackathon is an opportunity to work directly with a diverse team on an exciting project to help solve problems proposed by the research community.

Learn and Expand your Skills

Hackathons provide an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, technologies, and methods. Learn from your teammates and other teams, be recognized for your skills, and identify local experts for a given method, technology, or framework.

Build Something

Step out of your comfort zone to work on a passion project, something outside your field entirely, or finally put that experimental method that's been bouncing around your head for months to the test. Hackathons are a rare environment in that failure is an acceptable outcome so long as useful knowledge is gained.

KIDS24 Biohackathon Planning Committee

Gang Wu
Director, Center for Applied Bioinformatics, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Susanna Downing
Bioinformatics Research Scientist, Center for Pediatric Neurological Disease Research, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Jared Andrews
Senior Bioinformatics Research Scientist, Department of Developmental Neurobiology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Wojciech Rosikiewicz
Senior Bioinformatics Research Scientist, Center for Applied Bioinformatics, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Jaimin Patel
Principal Software Engineer, Department of Structural Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Erik Garrison
Assistant Professor, Genetics Genomics and Informatics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Catherine Welsh
Associate Professor & Chair, Computer Science, Rhodes College

Hongmei Zhang
Professor of Biostatistics, EBE Division Director, University of Memphis