Author Profile

Julia Neely, MPH

HPV Cancer Prevention Coordinator, HPV Cancer Prevention Program

Portrait of Julia Neely, MPH

Julia Neely, MPH, is HPV Cancer Prevention Program Manager for the St. Jude HPV Cancer Prevention Program. 

Stories by Julia Neely

Joy Wright
Joy Wright

Powerful Voices: Preventing HPV Cancers through Survivor Perspectives

Julia Neely

Participants in the St. Jude HPV Cancer Prevention Program’s HPV Cancer Survivors School are using their powerful voices to advocate for HPV vaccination during January which is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.

HPV Cervical Health
HPV Cervical Health

Vaccination is prevention: The HPV vaccine is effective against cancer

Julia Neely

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. Read about the important role HPV vaccination plays in cervical health and cancer prevention.