Author Profile

Jonathan Burlison, PhD

Patient Safety Project manager

Jonathan Burlison, Ph.D., is the Patient Safety Project manager in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Stories by Jonathan Burlison

Thalassemia illustration
Thalassemia illustration

Missed connection no more: Science and serendipity solve a microRNA mystery

Alex Generous, PhD

Find how a St. Jude discovery holds new promise for beta-thalassemia.

Genome Editing illustration
Genome Editing illustration
St. Jude On

Shifting the PARADIGM towards individualized gene editing therapies

Alex Generous, PhD

Learn more about the new PARADIGM in curing genetic bone marrow failure syndromes.

Global progress
Global progress

St. Jude works with global community to accelerate childhood cancer care in Nepal

Lance Wiedower

St. Jude and the WHO are improving pediatric cancer care in Nepal. Explore the partner’s recent workshop.

St. Jude On Bone Marrow Failure illustration
St. Jude On Bone Marrow Failure illustration
St. Jude On

Tailoring treatment for bone marrow failure syndromes

Erin Podolak, MA

Learn more about how the bone marrow failure team integrate science and care.

. L to R: Gang Wu, PhD, Wojciech Rosikiewicz, PhD, Wenjie Qi, PhD, Jason Myers, Beisi Xu, PhD.
. L to R: Gang Wu, PhD, Wojciech Rosikiewicz, PhD, Wenjie Qi, PhD, Jason Myers, Beisi Xu, PhD.

Shared Resources Spotlight: Center for Applied Bioinformatics

Elizabeth Casolo

Meet the data scientists advancing research at St. Jude.

St. Jude On: Bone Marrow Macroenvironment
St. Jude On: Bone Marrow Macroenvironment
St. Jude On

Like seed and soil: the interplay between cells and their environment affects health

Kathryn J. McCullough, MA

Learn how work at St. Jude is illuminating the interplay between blood stem cells and the bone marrow microenvironment to further understand hematologic malignancies.

St. Jude STEMM Education and Outreach summer research immersion program
St. Jude STEMM Education and Outreach summer research immersion program

High school research program inspires future scientists

Brittney Chiuppi

Memphis area students learn to do research from St. Jude scientists.

St. Jude On graphic
St. Jude On graphic
St. Jude On

Understanding cancer thanks to the boundless potential of stem cells

Taylor Wewel

Discover how stem cell identity holds the potential to prevent disease progression and cancer.

Global TRM illustration
Global TRM illustration

Addressing treatment-related mortality: Student’s research spotlights need for supportive care

Erin Podolak, MA

Gathering data increases understanding of treatment-related mortality in low- and middle-income countries.

St. Jude On

St. Jude on Therapeutics: 5 Discoveries to Explore

Anang Shelat

Catch up on the studies from the St. Jude On Therapeutics series with 5 Discoveries to Explore.