About the EH-FCCS Facility

The Experimental Hematology Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility (EH-FCCS) supplies state-of-the art flow cytometric equipment and services to our Experimental Hematology community and partners who require analytic and cell-separating assistance. Our facility is dedicated to expanding the productivity, efficiency, and innovation of our researchers in a prompt and cost-effective manner. We cater to the specific needs of our investigators, from the critical beginning stage of experimental development to interpretation, redesign, and presentation of the final data.

David Cullins

Our facility provides:

  • Consultation for quality flow cytometry services with the goal of maximizing scientific impact and a focus on reliable, reproducible, quality data. This requires an in-depth look at
    • Panel design/Sample preparation/Gating controls
    • Best Practices for fluorescent labeling
      • Antibody Titrations for Multicolor Panels
      • Tandem Dye Utilization
      • Compensation
    • Data Acquisition and Analysis
      • Acquiring/Analyzing Rare Events
    • Sorting
      • Sample Preparation Guidelines for Cell Sorting
      • Recovery
  • We offer educational seminars on topics that interest our investigators such as
    • Understanding Sample Control/Gating Controls/FMOs
    • Risk of using tandem dyes
    • Compensation
    • Innovations in Cytometry
  • In addition, we train researchers to run the core’s flow cytometric analyzers and sorters.


Currently, the facility is equipped with two cell sorters and two cell analyzers. 

Equipment Location Cytometer Description
BD FACSAria Fusion in Biosafety Cabinet  DTRC - Rm D3004  Cell Sorter High-speed cell sorting, equipped with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, and 640nm) and 18 in-house detectors stored in a biosafety cabinet with the capability of 4-way sorting
Sony SH800 in Biosafety Cabinet  DTRC - Rm D3060  Cell Sorter Fully automated chip cell sorting, equipped with 4 lasers (405, 488, 561, and 638nm) and 6 in-house detectors stored in a biosafety cabinet with a capability of 2-way sorting
Attune NxT with Autosampler  DTRC - Rm D3060  Cell Analyzer  4 lasers (405, 488, 561, and 640nm) and 14 detectors with high throughput samplers for multiparameter flow analysis
BD Symphony A3 with HTS  DTRC - Rm D3060  Cell Analyzer  5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, and 637nm) and 28 detectors with high throughput samplers for multiparameter flow analysi

About the Director - David Cullins

David Cullins is a flow cytometrist that oversees the Experimental Hematology Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting facility that provides flow cytometry (FACS) services for over 60 researchers within the Department of Hematology. Cullins’ twenty-year background in flow cytometry—phenotyping, characterizing, and quantifying cell populations, measuring cellular response to drug treatments, and isolating specific groups of rare cells—brings a wealth of knowledge that has escalated and enriched the department’s research efforts.  

Cullins is also a seven-year Army veteran with a Molecular Biology degree from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and Master’s in Business Administration with a specialty in management from Strayer University. He is certified by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) as a Specialist in Cytometry. 

photo of David Cullins

The Team

Emilia Kooienga
  • Emilia Kooienga
  • Senior Researcher
David Cullins
image of lab equipment