Department of Biostatistics

A robust and powerful set-valued approach to rare variant association analyses of secondary traits in case-control sequencing studies

  • The purpose of the software is to conduct Secondary Traits Analysis in Case-Control Sequencing Studies.
  • The method is implemented in SV2bc-v0.1 package written for the freely available statistical computing language R.

To Install SV2bc:

  • Download  SV2bc-v0.1 package and execute the command install.packages("download.dir/SV2bc_0.1.tar.gz",repos=NULL,type="source") in R, where download.dir is the directory to which the file was saved.
  • The SV2bc-demo explains the demo code
  • To receive alerts regarding software updates, send an e-mail with "Updates on SV2bc-v0.1 Software" in the subject line.

More questions? Contact Guolian Kang.