Kincaid Rowbotham

Growing up in various areas of the United States, Kincaid Rowbotham has always been interested in the life sciences. He began working in a viral epigenetics lab during his first summer at his undergraduate alma mater, the University of North Dakota. He loved the environment and creativity that biomedical research fosters. Inclined to learn more about another side of research, he began to work during his undergraduate sophomore year in the Wang lab at UND, a bioinformatics lab focused on proteomics. He worked simultaneously in both labs throughout his undergraduate years, publishing four times, presenting his research at five conferences and receiving an undergraduate grant and fellowship before graduating from UND. 

Before joining the St. Jude Graduate School, Kincaid focused his interest more on the computational side of biomedical research. Kincaid recently worked on constructing various machine learning models, ranging from predicting Alzheimer's disease using proteomic and transcriptomic data to predicting pancreatic cancer using DNA fragments found in blood samples. This work has driven Kincaid’s interest in learning more about computational biomedical research.