Yuliya Nogovitsyna, MA, LLM, PhD

Photo of Yuliya Nogovitsyna

Yuliya Nogovitsyna is not a medical doctor and is unlikely to become one. Her interest in pediatric oncology and transformation of the existing healthcare system in Ukraine began 14 years ago. She was volunteering in a pediatric oncohematology unit of the national pediatric hospital when she had her “man’s search for meaning” (Viktor Frankl, 1946) moment.

Nogovitsyna earned her master’s degree in Public International Law in 2003 and PhD in 2006 from Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations in Kyiv, Ukraine; an LLM degree in Business Law in 2009 from University of London, in London, UK; and a master’s degree in Nonprofit Management in 2020 from the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine. Her recent master’s thesis was focused on the Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Childhood Cancer Survivors and their Families. This project is currently being implemented under her supervision.

Nogovitsyna currently works as a Program Director with Tabletochki, the largest non-governmental organization that helps and advocates for the interests of children with cancer in Ukraine. She manages the team of nine coordinators and is in charge of all assistance programs, including: 1) medicines, medical devices and equipment procurement; 2) hospital facilities and infrastructure renovation; 3) housing; 4) treatment abroad; 5) palliative care and support in grief; 6) psychosocial support and rehabilitation; and 7) child life and hospital volunteering.

Yuliya is also heavily involved in advocacy related to pediatric cancer in Ukraine (e.g., National Cancer Control Plan development, reform of public medicines procurement, introduction of long-term post-diploma training for pediatric oncologists, free access to intensive care / pediatric intensive care). Since 2018, she has been a member of all Ministry of Health and National Health Service of Ukraine Childhood Cancer Working Groups.

What started as a hobby turned into my full-time occupation and obsession. When I do things, I want to do them professionally, effectively and efficiently. I believe that the MS in Global Child Health from the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital will equip me with the additional knowledge, understanding, expertise and networking to achieve Tabletochki’s vision – that no one child dies from cancer in Ukraine (and beyond).”

Hometown: Kyiv, Ukraine


MA, Public International Law – Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, Kyiv, Ukraine (2003)

PhD, Public International Law – Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, Kyiv, Ukraine (2006)

LLM, Business Law – University of London, London, United Kingdom (2009)

MA, Nonprofit Management – Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine (2020)


Erdomaeva Y, Yakimkova T, Ibrahimova S, et al. An assessment of the current state of pediatric hematology-oncology education in Eurasia. (Manuscript submitted for publication, 2021).