Andrea Lee

Andrea Lee’s interest in neuroscience and genome editing was built on research she conducted in 2015 studying migraines in female rats. She came to love all aspects of a researcher’s life, from learning new techniques to teaching other students.

Lee earned her bachelor’s degree in neuroscience in 2018 from Washington State University in Pullman. Lee’s interests include the adverse biological effects of genome editors derived from CRISPR-Cas nucleases. 

Andrea Lee currently works in the lab of Shengdar Tsai, PhD, Hematology, where she works on minimizing the immunogenicity of CRISPR Cas nucleases. She earned her master’s degree from the St. Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in June 2019.

“I want to have a positive impact on the world,” she says. “Ultimately, I hope that my research can have a significant impact in the field of genome editing.”

Hometown: Munich, Germany

Dissertation: Define and Minimize the Immunogenicity of CRISPR-Cas nucleases


Dunford J, Lee AT, and Morgan MM. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) exacerbates inflammatory bowel disease in adolescent and adult female rats. The Journal of Pain 2021.

Lee AT, Kandasamy R, Morgan MM. Depression of home cage wheel running is an objective measure of spontaneous morphine withdrawal in rats with and without persistent pain. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 156, 10-15, 2017.

Kandasamy R, Lee AT, Morgan MM. Depression of home cage wheel running: A reliable and valid method to assess migraine pain in rats. The Journal of headache and pain 18.1: 5., 2017.