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Canadian Internet privacy policy

Online privacy policy

(View our offline privacy policy)

Who we are

This privacy policy applies to:

i) St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (“St. Jude”);
ii) American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (“ALSAC”), the organization founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas in 1957 to raise funds and awareness for St. Jude; and
iii) any current or future affiliated entities.

The entities named above are collectively referred to as “We” or “Us” throughout this privacy policy. This privacy policy applies to all websites owned by the entities listed above.

Policy objectives

We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of personal information through complying with applicable laws and implementing charitable institution best practices. The purpose of this policy is to inform you of what personal information we collect, how we may use the information, how we manage the information, and your right to take steps to protect your information. This policy applies to personal information provided and received through online (email, website, etc.) communications. Please review our offline policy below. This policy does not apply to protected health information; please see our policy regarding this information.

Purposes of collecting and using personal information

The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to find cures for children with cancer and other deadly diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, St. Jude covers all costs associated with a child’s treatment - including drugs, travel, housing and meals - because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. St. Jude freely shares the breakthroughs it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists in Canada and around the world can use that knowledge to save thousands more children.

The mission of ALSAC is to raise funds and build the awareness needed to operate and maintain St. Jude.

We collect and use the personal information you provide to accept and process your donations, share more information about St. Jude and its work, stay connected to you, and inform you of new ways to support St. Jude.

Collection of personal information

Our websites collect information such as your domain name, site traffic patterns, and server usage statistics. Additionally, we may collect personal information through occasional voluntary surveys on our websites. We do not collect and store your email address unless you provide your email address to us. We will not contact you through email unless we have your affirmative consent to do so or we are providing you with information about a transaction with us.

When you donate or purchase items from our websites, we collect personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, financial information (such as a credit card number), and other information necessary for processing your donation or order, notify you of your order status, and provide you with receipts.

If you provide personal information about a loved one or friend for the purpose of making a memorial donation or gift in honor of someone or to send a gift to someone, we may collect and share such information to inform family members about the gift, if requested, or to ship a gift. This information will not be used for other purposes.

Cookies and web beacons

“Cookies” are small pieces of data sent from websites and stored in web browsers while users browse websites. Every time a user loads a website, the browser sends that website’s cookie back to the server to notify the website of the user’s previous activity. Cookies do not damage a user’s system or files. Most browsers allow users to accept or deny cookies. If you reject our websites’ cookies, you may still access and use our websites.

“Web beacons” are often-transparent images placed on websites or in emails to monitor the behavior of the user visiting the website or sending emails. When the beacon is retrieved, it can transmit information such as the retrieving computer’s IP address, the time the beacon was viewed and for how long, the type of browser that retrieved the beacon, and previously set cookie values. Turning off a browser’s cookies will prevent web beacons from tracking the user’s activity. If you set your browser to reject cookies, you may still access and use our website.

Our use of cookies and web beacons allows us to personalize your experience when you visit our websites for an enhanced user experience.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We do not rent or sell personal information to outside marketers or other third-party organizations. However, we may disclose personal information to fulfill legal requirements or as otherwise permitted by law.

We do share personal information among us and with service providers who perform services for us such as shipping, payment processing, and managing data on our behalf. We do not authorize service providers to use or disclose personal information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements.

Access to your personal information is restricted to only those of our employees who “need to know” the information.

Whenever practicable, we share information with service providers in aggregate form, such as donor statistics, which cannot be used to identify individuals.

Cross-border transfers of personal information

Because we receive support from the international community, personal information may be transferred across international borders. Such transfers could involve transfers of personal information from foreign donors to us or our service providers located in the U.S. or transfers of personal information from U.S. donors to our foreign service providers. We use contractual terms and internal procedures to ensure that your personal information is secure at every location. Personal information that has been transferred between jurisdictions may be made available to other governments or their agents.


We are committed to seeking your consent before collecting your personal information. Consent can be express or implied depending on the circumstances. Express consent can be given orally or in writing. Implied consent can be reasonably inferred from your action or inaction. For example, if you mail a donation to us, you are providing us with your consent to collect and use the information contained in your donation.

You may withdraw your consent to receipt of further communication from us at any time and for any reason. You may also unsubscribe, free of cost, from any form of electronic communication at any time and for any reason.

We will also seek your consent for any changes in the use of your personal information.

Data security

Our server uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to protect payment card and other information submitted via online communications. SSL is an established industry standard that encrypts the channel between a web browser and a web server to ensure the privacy and reliability of the data transmitted over this channel.


This policy covers only our websites. Our websites contain links to third party websites that are not covered by this policy. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of websites not owned by us. We encourage our visitors to be aware of when they leave our site and to read the privacy statement of any site that they think may collect personal information.

Updating or Correcting Personal Information

You can update or correct your personal information to ensure its accuracy. To update your information, you can contact us using the information provided at the end of this policy. We will only update personal information as necessary to fulfill the purposes identified in this policy. We may update personal information by either contacting you directly or accessing public records that contain relevant information, such as addresses.

Retention and destruction of personal information

We will retain personal information only for the duration permitted by law or in the absence of law, recommended in charitable institution best practices. Destruction of personal information will also occur according to applicable laws and best practices.

Safeguarding personal information

We take our obligation to keep your personal information secure very seriously. We work hard through technical, organizational, and physical measures and online security systems to protect your information.

Access to personal information

You have a right to access your personal information that we have collected and request an accounting of the use and disclosure of your personal information. Exceptions to this requirement may include information that is prohibitively costly to provide, information that contains references to other individuals, information that cannot be disclosed for legal, security, or commercial proprietary reasons, and information that is subject to relevant litigation laws on privileged evidence.

Updates to this policy

Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on all websites owned by us.


This policy does not constitute an agreement, express or implied, between you and us.

Questions or complaints

If you have questions or concerns about your information or believe your privacy rights have been violated, submit an inquiry or file a complaint using the contact information below. To protect your privacy, we may request additional information from you to verify your identity before releasing or correcting your information. There will be no retaliation for submitting an inquiry or filing a complaint.

501 St. Jude Place
Memphis, TN 38105
Attn: Privacy Officer
(901) 578-2100

Policy Issued: April 25, 2014

Offline privacy policy

(View our online privacy policy)

Who we are

This privacy policy applies to:

i) St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (“St. Jude”);
ii) American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (“ALSAC”), the organization founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas in 1957 to raise funds and awareness for St. Jude; and
iii) any current or future affiliated entities.

The entities named above are collectively referred to as “We” or “Us” throughout this privacy policy. This privacy policy applies to all websites owned by the entities listed above.

Privacy policy objectives

We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of your personal information through complying with applicable laws and implementing charitable institution best practices. The purpose of this policy is to inform you of what personal information we collect, how we may use the information, how we manage the information, and your right to take steps to protect your information. This policy applies to personal information provided and received from you through offline (mail, phone, fax, etc.) communications. Please review our online policy above. This privacy policy does not apply to protected health information; please see our policy regarding this information.

Purposes for collecting and using personal information to support our mission

The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to find cures for children with cancer and other deadly diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, St. Jude covers all costs associated with a child’s treatment - including drugs, travel, housing and meals - because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. St. Jude freely shares the breakthroughs it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists in Canada and around the world can use that knowledge to save thousands more children.

The mission of ALSAC is to raise funds and build the awareness needed to operate and maintain St. Jude.

We collect and use your personal information to accept and process your donations, share more information about St. Jude and its work, stay connected with you, and inform you of additional ways to support St. Jude.

Collection of personal information

We collect personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, financial information (such as a credit card number), and other information that is relevant to our mission.

If you provide personal information about a loved one or friend for the purpose of making a memorial donation or gift in honour of someone or to send a gift to someone, we may collect and share such information to inform family members about the gift, if requested, or to ship a gift. This personal information will not be used for other purposes.

Use and disclosure of personal information

We do not rent or sell personal information to outside marketers or other third-party organizations. However, we may disclose personal information to fulfill legal requirements or as otherwise permitted by law.

We do share personal information among us and with service providers who perform services for us such as shipping, payment processing, and managing data on our behalf. We do not authorize service providers to use or disclose personal information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements.

Access to your personal information is restricted to only those of our employees who “need to know” the information.

Whenever practicable, we share information with service providers in aggregate form, such as donor statistics, which cannot be used to identify individuals.

Cross-border transfers of personal information

Because we receive support from the international community, personal information may be transferred across international borders. Such transfers could involve transfers of personal information from foreign donors to us or our service providers located in the U.S. or transfers of personal information from U.S. donors to our foreign service providers. We use contractual terms and internal procedures to ensure that your personal information is secure at every location. Personal information that has been transferred between jurisdictions may be made available to other governments or their agents.


We are committed to seeking your consent before collecting your personal information. Consent can be express or implied depending on the circumstances. Express consent can be given orally or in writing. Implied consent can be reasonably inferred from your action or inaction. For example, if you mail a donation to us, you are providing us with your consent to collect and use the information contained in your donation.

You may withdraw your consent to receipt of further communications from us at any time and for any reason.

We will also seek your consent for any new uses by us for your personal information in addition to those set out in this privacy policy.

Updating or Correcting Personal Information

You can update or correct your personal information to ensure its accuracy. To update your personal information, you can contact us using our contact details provided at the end of this policy. We will only update personal information as necessary to fulfill the purposes identified in this policy. We may also update your personal information by either contacting you directly or accessing public records that contain relevant information, such as addresses.

Retention and destruction of personal information

We will retain personal information only for the duration permitted by law or in the absence of law, recommended for charitable institution best practices. Destruction of personal information will also occur according to applicable laws and best practices.

Safeguarding personal information

We take our obligation to keep your personal information secure very seriously. We work hard through technical, organizational, and physical measures and online security systems to protect your information.

Access to personal information

You have a right to access your personal information that we have collected and request an accounting of the use and disclosure of your personal information. Exceptions to this requirement may include information that is prohibitively costly to provide, information that contains references to other individuals, information that cannot be disclosed for legal, security, or commercial proprietary reasons, and information that is subject to relevant litigation laws on privileged evidence.

Updates to this policy

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on our websites.


This policy does not constitute an agreement, express or implied, between you and us.

Questions or complaints

If you have questions or concerns about your information or believe your privacy rights have been violated, submit an inquiry or file a complaint using the contact information below. To protect your privacy, we may request additional information from you to verify your identity before releasing or correcting your information. There will be no retaliation for submitting an inquiry or filing a complaint.
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis, TN 38105
Attn: Privacy Officer
(901) 578-2100

Policy issued: April 25, 2014
