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Connecting her legacy

As someone who’s lived a full life, June Gordon sought to find an organization that was building a lasting legacy. She found that in St. Jude.

Ask June Gordon what drives her longtime support of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and she doesn’t hesitate with her answer: “Helping the children.”

June lives in New Jersey, where she is retired from her supervisory role at the Department of Defense. She was widowed at a young age, and her son has since passed away as well, leaving her with “no family left, but a wealth of wonderful friends,” as she puts it.

After supporting St. Jude through contributions for many years — including dedicating a brick at St. Jude in her son’s name — June chose to establish a St. Jude charitable gift annuity.

A charitable gift annuity is a way to make a gift to St. Jude and, in return, receive regular, fixed payments for life.

“I originally included St. Jude in my will,” June explained. “However, when it was redrafted, that portion was omitted. I decided then to give an outright gift of the amount that had been in my will.”

Charitable Gift Annuity Diagram

A local St. Jude representative helped June determine the best gift that would make sense for her lifestyle.

“She explained the benefits of a gift annuity,” June recalled. Like other supporters, June considered the tax advantages of this giving vehicle, as well as the annual payments she would receive at a set rate, based on her age when she funded the gift annuity.

“It was very simple,” she said. “It sounded good, and it is good.”

When asked what she would tell someone else considering a St. Jude charitable gift annuity, June doesn’t miss a beat; “I would tell them they are crazy if they don’t do it,” she quipped.

Though getting around isn’t as easy for June as it once was, she enjoys going out shopping with her neighbors. At home, she loves playing games on her Amazon Kindle. With a laugh, she said, “I don’t know what I’d do without it!”

June is proud to connect her legacy to St. Jude, and she enjoys attending local appreciation events with other St. Jude supporters when she is able.


It’s a wonderful organization. St. Jude is working toward a cure. But not only that. They put in time and effort toward truly caring for the children, as well as toward research.

And to June, it’s as simple as doing what she can to help the children. 


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