The 2024 Health & Fitness Expo, brought to you by Landers Ford, will be held in the Renasant Convention Center.
255 N. Main St.
Memphis, TN 38103
THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 2024
noon - 7 p.m.
FRIDAY, DEC. 6, 2024
noon - 8 p.m.
All participants 18 and over must pick up their own packet at the Health & Fitness Expo. There is no race-day packet pick-up.
For our Platinum Premier, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze St. Jude Heroes, we're rolling out the red carpet for YOU!
- government photo ID (required)
- Your 2023 Race Entry Confirmation Email received on Monday, Nov. 27 containing your personalized QR code
- government photo ID (required)
St. Jude Heroes packet items include:
- race bib and safety pins
- long-sleeve participant shirt
- clear bag for gear check
- Commemorative St. Jude Heroes Gear (silver and above only)
- St. Jude Heroes HopeBand
- beer wristband (21 and over)*
Participants who registered as a Platinum Premier, Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze St. Jude Hero will receive a St. Jude Heroes HopeBand. The Heroes HopeBand is your exclusive access for your event weekend reservations, merchandise credit and other fun stops along the way!
You'll be able to purchase official merchandise at the expo. Can't wait? Check out our online store to buy your race gear now.
Packed with interactive experiences, engaging photo ops and a special gift, the St. Jude Heroes Expo Lounge is an exclusive benefit for our St. Jude Heroes. Be sure to plan for extra time to enjoy this fun event.
*Reservations required

For the marathon, half marathon and 10K, runner tracking is available for friends and family to keep track of their runner on the course. Runner tracking will provide updates at several splits, as well as estimated finish times.
Be sure to arrive early to secure a parking space. The average charge is $10. Due to road closures, participants and spectators should plan to be downtown and parked prior to 6:15 a.m. Visit the Navigating Race Day page to learn more about road closures on race day.
Go slow, be aware and yield to law enforcement and runners. Let’s make it a safe race day for everyone.
WHERE: Union Ave. and 4th St.
WHEN: 5:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
All checked gear must be in the clear bag provided at the expo. No exceptions. Use the pre-numbered tab at the bottom of your race bib and attach it to the gear bag.
Water and restrooms are located in the following locations:
- inside AutoZone Park
- multiple areas near the start line

The Memphis Police Department, along with other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, will be present during all marathon weekend events to provide an enhanced level of security to athletes, spectators, staff and volunteers. Please be sure to follow all safety procedures, and, as with all public events, if you see something, say something.
The following are strictly prohibited on the course to ensure runner safety and comply with liability insurance requirements:
- unregistered runners
- unauthorized vehicles
- bicycles
- skateboards
- hoverboards
- in-line or roller skates
- baby joggers or strollers (except the kids marathon)
- all animals
Any type of unauthorized support or pacing will not be allowed, including, but not limited to, support from a vehicle (fluid bottles, splits, etc.), as such support will be considered an unfair advantage. Noncompliance will result in immediate disqualification.
What about headphones?
Headphones and other electronic listening devices are allowed but not recommended to ensure your safety and the safety of others around you on sometimes crowded city streets shared by vehicular traffic. If you use headphones, please be aware of your surroundings.
At any event attended by children, there's the potential to become separated from a parent, guardian or responsible adult. The St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend works to ensure all children and vulnerable adults feel safe from harm and have a place to go if separated from their grown-up.
- Everyone under the age of 16 attending the St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend must be accompanied by an adult.
- A designated Lost/Separated Children Reunion Spot will be located at the Information Booth.
- All lost children, vulnerable adults and parents/guardians separated from their dependent can speak to any St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend staff member, volunteer or security person to be directed or taken to the Reunion Spot.
Items turned into lost and found not claimed by 3:30 p.m. on race day will be returned to the St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend office. Items will be discarded or donated to charity if not claimed within five working days following the races.

Your bib will include your assigned arrival time and start window. Please follow these times and instructions as it is critical to our safety protocols and impacts the safety of your fellow participants.
Step 1 – Bib
Attach your bib to the front of your shirt. Your number must be visible at the start, finish, and all points along the course to prevent you from being disqualified.
Please do not fold, cut or alter your bib in any way, the timing chip is included in your bib and any alteration could impact the ability to time you accurately. Please ensure your race bib is:
- Clearly visible on the front of your torso
- Unaltered and unmodified (do not fold or wrinkle)
- Pinned on all four corners
- Not covered (by jackets, runner belts, water bottles, etc.)
Step 2- Start Times & Locations
- Start time: 7:00 a.m.
- Start location: B.B. King Blvd. and Madison Ave.
Half Marathon/Marathon
- Start time: 8:00 a.m.
- Start location: B.B. King Blvd. and Beale St.
Step 3- Start Procedure
Look for the elevated sign with your assigned corral letter. Race officials will check your bib at the start corral entry point to ensure you are at the proper corral. Upon race start, follow the directions of race officials to keep moving forward through the start line.
Based on targeted marathon finish times, pacers will keep each group on the designated pace. Half marathon and 10K participants are welcome to join a group as well.
The pace times below have been confirmed as of publication, but additional pace groups may be added. The complete and finalized list of pace teams will be available at the pace team area at the expo.
Marathon Projected Finish Time* | Pacer Per Mile Finish Time
3:20 | 7:38/mile
3:25 | 7:49/mile
3:30 | 8:00/mile
3:35 | 8:12/mile
3:40 | 8:23/mile
3:50 | 8:46/mile
3:55 | 8:58/mile
4:00 | 9:09/mile
4:05 | 9:21/mile
4:20 | 9:58/mile
4:30 | 10:18/mile
4:35 | 10:29/mile
4:50 | 11:04/mile
5:00 | 11:27/mile
5:05 | 11:38/mile
5:20 | 12:12/mile
5:40 | 12:58/mile
6:00 | 13:44/mile*(hours:minutes)

All results, including awards, will be based on chip time. Chip time is defined as the duration of time from the moment a runner crosses the mats at the start until the moment that runner crosses the mats at the finish.

The course will be clearly marked. Split-time clocks will be at every mile, and kilometers will be marked every 5K. Anyone leaving the course — except to use the facilities or receive medical attention — will be guilty of an unfair advantage and immediately disqualified.
Traffic control will be directed by the Memphis Police Department. Runners should be aware of vehicular traffic, particularly at all intersections. Please stay alert.
The first hydration station will be located between mile mark one and two. Hydration stations will then be approximately every 1.5 miles with water, Gatorade®, Vaseline®, bandages and portalets available. GU Energy Gel in a variety of flavors will be available at hydration stations near mile marks 12.7, 16.5, 19.2, and 23.2.
If you have not trained with Gatorade® or GU Energy Gel or used them before, it is recommended you use them with caution.
There are siz hydration stations on the 10K course and two on the 5K, all with water, Gatorade®, Vaseline®, bandages and portalets.
Participants must comply with all directions given by race officials, including immediately retiring from the race if directed to do so by a race official or any governmental authority (including fire and police officers).
Event officials also reserve the right to delay, cancel or suspend the race due to weather, safety or security concerns. Official course closure means police protection ceases and vehicular traffic resumes. The finish-line structure disassembly will begin after 4 p.m.
- Marathon course time limit: 6.5 hours
- Half Marathon course time limit: 4 hours 20 minutes
- 10K course time limit: 2 hours
- 5K course time limit: 1.5 hours
The time starts when the last participant crosses the start line.

Runners are advised to drink plenty of liquids during the run. If you are drinking both water and some form of a fluid replacement drink, you should maintain a sensible balance to ensure proper electrolyte balance. We urge medical caution by all runners, particularly first-timers. Do not go beyond your physical limit.
If you have medical conditions that you wish to be known in case of emergency (such as illness, special conditions, allergies, medications, blood type, etc.), write them in waterproof ink (Sharpie marker) on the special form found on the reverse side of your race number.
Runners should notify hydration station personnel of any injured or ill runner requiring assistance. A runner who appears to be suffering from a life-threatening condition, such as heat stroke, may be examined by a qualified race official to determine the seriousness of the problem. No disqualification will result from such action, even if the examination is hands-on, provided the course covered by the runner has not been shortened or substantially altered in the examination process. A runner who, in the qualified race official's opinion, is in control of their faculties will be permitted to decide whether to finish, while one who is not will be removed from the race regardless of whether such action could result in a possible loss of prize.
Numerous ambulances will be mobile on the course. Emergency radio communications will be available at all hydration stations. A doctor-and-nurse-staffed field hospital will be located at the finish line.
Runners unable to complete the race will be transported via SAG shuttle back to AutoZone Park. Once transportation is requested, it is important that runners not leave the scene by any other means so that their safety and whereabouts can be accounted for. Runners who do not complete the entire course must not cross the finish line.

In order for your finish time to be recorded, you must cross the mats at the finish line wearing your race bib. Do not cross the finish line a second time.
Make certain your race bib is pinned on your front and completely visible for race officials and photographers.
This year, please plan for a runner reunion location that is outside of and away from AutoZone Park. Spectators will not be allowed to enter the runner areas inside AutoZone Park.
Visit stjude.org/marathonresults to check your time, especially if you expect to be an award winner. Official results will be posted on our website and sent to local media, national running publications and the Boston Marathon.
Marathon, half marathon, 10K and 5K awards will be personalized and mailed after the event. While we strive to get our awards out quickly, because they are personalized we ask that you allow a few months for delivery. The St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend does not offer prize money. Virtual participants are not eligible for awards.
All finishers will receive their finisher medal upon crossing the finish line. All 2-Race participants will pick up their challenge medal at the Health & Fitness Expo.
Visit the results page following the event for information about how you may obtain your personalized certificate of completion.

The Quarter Million Dollar Club includes teams of St. Jude Heroes that have committed to raise at least $250,000 this year. Their support helps ensure that families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food — so they can focus on helping their child live.
Thanks to our teams
Cenla Running Heroes
FUNraisers for St. Jude, Inc.
Poplar Bluff Heroes
Shaw Industries
Down South Heroes
A special thank you to our Platinum St. Jude Heroes, who committed to raising at least $6,500 for the kids of the St. Jude as they trained for their race.
Michael Acurio, LA
Laurie Adashek, MI
Adam Aguinaga, IL
Don Albert, MO
Michael Albrough, AZ
Allie Allen- Fleming, TN
Heather Antrim, TN
Candice Barber, LA
Paul Barlow, IN
Teresa Barndt, TN
Brian Bauer, MO
Bob Beard, IL
Cindy Bedford, TX
Kristie Bell, TN
Matt Benson, IL
Amy Benson, IL
Rebecca Benton, MO
Dara Bertucci, LA
Virginia Bevers, TX
Bailey Billeaudeau, LA
Michael Billeaudeau, LA
Stacy Birdsong, MO
Addie Birdsong, MO
Amanda Blackwell, MO
Joanne Blatchley, AL
Kenda Blount, MS
Rebecca Boncoddo, CT
Amanda Boswell, OH
Eric Bourgeois, TN
Todd Bradley, MS
Annmarie Brock, MA
Christy Brown, IL
Kathryn Bubash, NC
Sarah Bucciero, SC
Jennifer Burke, MI
Kristine Burrichter, KS
Anita Buzbee, TN
Curtis Callaway, GA
Phil Carloni, CT
Amy Carter, VA
Lori Chancellor, MS
Laura Chisholm, TX
Brandon Clark, KY
Mike Clary, TN
Jay Cobb, OK
Jason Colletti, AL
Lorie Colletti, AL
Mark Comerford, FL
Natalie Conques, LA
Amanda Corley, LA
Chris Cormier, LA
Heidi Credeur, LA
Melanie Cromwell, TN
Meredith Damore, CA
Dana Davis, MS
Janice Davis, AR
Nichole Davis, VA
Keith Davis, IL
Isaac DeLee, LA
Tony Delmonico, TN
Bill Denton, TX
Megan Denton, MS
Kristen Deville, LA
David Dodds, TN
Rachel Dragicevic, MO
Danny Dragicevic, MO
Dylon Draper, LA
Lilia Drew, FL
Lori Driver, AL
Gianni Duarte, AR
Robert Duby, IL
Michael DuCharme, MI
Jeff Duke, UT
Peter Duncanson, TN
Bonnie Dupre, LA
Emily Edmonds, AL
Mitchell Edwards, TX
Ty Edwards, AL
Michael England, TN
Kelley Fain, GA
Susan Farris, GA
Glenn Faul, LA
Miranda Fickert, MO
Jake Fickert, MO
Slade Fickert, MO
Avie Fontenot, LA
Nicole Fontenot, LA
Jonathan Frederick, AL
Melissa Gargasz, OH
Heather Gavin, AL
Courtney Gill, TX
Jennifer Glover, TN
Cassie Goldsboro, LA
Staci Gordon, MO
Erik Hales, IL
Sahar Halim, TX
Shannon Hanks, LA
Lisa Hanner, MO
Aimee Hardy, VA
Andrea Hardy, LA
Joe Hardy, VA
Justin Harrell, TN
Felicia Harrell, TN
Jill Harris, MO
Whitney Harvey, MS
Cheyann Hayes, TX
Cameron Head, TN
Paula Head, TN
Michael Head, TN
Lindsey Hemphill, MS
Sue Ellen Henderson, IN
Jim Hertwig, FL
Jackie Hobbs, AL
Annette Holbert, AR
Sarah Holley, NC
Yvette Hollier, LA
Drew Horn, MS
Amanda Howard, MO
Jayla Hubbard, TN
Barbara Humphrey, MO
Elizabeth Hurley, VA
Bill Hurt, MS
Chase Huval, LA
Courtney Jackson, GA
Justin James, IL
Ed James, OH
Erin Johnson, AL
Rona Jolivette, LA
Dawn Jones, LA
Bryan Judice, LA
Andrew Kehoe, MS
Colleen Kelley, WI
Steven Kelley, TN
Jessica Keltner, LA
Miranda Kemp, VA
Chase Kemp, TN
Mason Kemp, LA
Rob Kendrick, SC
Sue Kessler, VT
Kristen Kina, AL
Dana King, KS
Michael Knowles, TN
Justin Kovarik, IL
Andrea Kuoni, VA
Allan Landstreet, TN
Rafael Lara, LA
Ashley Latiolais, LA
Teresa Lawler, AL
Jackie Legendre, LA
Scott Leipert, PA
Kat Leipert, PA
Danielle Leon, LA
Lisa Leroux-Smith, KS
Dave Lew, TN
Benjamin Liebert, SC
Stephanie Lista, VA
Nikita Lobb, IL
Sherri Love, TN
Lucy Lovely, FL
Tina Lurk, MO
Jeff Lynch, TN
Jason Lyngaas, LA
Parker Lyons, CA
Allie Martin, MS
Ginger Maturin, LA
Julie Maune, MO
Sarah McCoy, LA
Roschelle McCoy, IL
Kim (Kiki) McGaughy, MS
Mike McGee, LA
John McKay, IL
Colleen McMaster, NJ
Payton McMullen, LA
Shannon McWhorter, IL
Bridget Meggs, NC
Jason Meggs, NC
Paul R. Mehelic, MO
Elise Merhige, NY
Gloria Mersman, TN
Robert Meyers, MO
Fred Meyknecht, None
Raakhee Mirchandani, NJ
Tammy Moran, MO
Belinda Morrison, MS
Gina Morton, OK
Bryant Mosbey, IN
Donna Moye, GA
Karen Murphy, NC
Leah Nickel, LA
Keri Nunley, TN
Lynn Oatman, MO
David Oatman, MO
Gordon O’Malley, TN
Julie Ondo, IL
Adrian Ordonez, TX
Janet Oufnac, LA
Pete Owens, AR
Pamelia Parker, CT
Shamir Patel, MS
Reena Peppenhorst, IL
Tim Peterson, NE
Andrea Petrovanie- Green, HI
Jeremy Pflug, TN
Kelly Pitts, AL
William Pizzitola, MO
Turner Plunkett, GA
Heather Polley, IN
Rob Price, TN
Deloris Prince, AR
Meredith Pughe, FL
James Quattrone, NY
Katy Ravensberg, MO
Vernon Rayford, MS
Robert Reidelberger, IL
Corinthia Reulet, LA
Randal Reulet, LA
Kayla Richmond, IA
Susan Ricks, MS
Dana Rivera, LA
Shorty Roberson, TX
Raeschel Roberts, OK
Diane Roberts, TN
Nicholas Keith Robinson, AL
Kel Robson, IL
Joseph Ruppert, SC
Scott Sandlin, TN
Ellen Sandweiss, MO
Nicole Schepers, MO
Jeanne Schmidt, MA
Melanie Schniers, LA
Richard Schroeder, MO
Haley Schulz, TX
Barney Schulz, TX
Betty Schulz, TX
Ronnie Schwartz, LA
Bill Seely, TN
Valerie Sepulvado, LA
Taylor Sepulvado, LA
Caleb Shaw, IA
Liana Shultz, TX
Angela Simon, LA
Kayla Simon, LA
Regina Sims, MS
Joe Skillen, KS
Sydney Skupa, NE
Sean Smith, AL
Dave Smith, NE
Richard Smith, CA
Michael Soileau, LA
Susan Soileau, LA
Derek Spiegel, AR
Mitchell Spurlock, TN
Ted Stann, MO
Theodore Stepanoff, TN
Brenda Stephens, TX
John Stephens, TX
Mindy Strauss, MO
Word Strength, MS
Ashley Strength, MS
Barbara Sugg, AR
Ethan Summers, AL
Chelsea Swindle, MO
Ginger Tabor, LA
Stacey Tanner, MO
Joy Terral, TN
Cindy Thibodeaux, LA
Jennifer Thomas, MO
Stephen Thompson, TX
Deborah Torrance, IN
Estelle Trahan, LA
Amanda Traver, WY
Jeff Trevisani, NY
Andy Tweedy, NE
Jim Tweel, NJ
Lynda Tysver, MN
Ivy Underwood, FL
Heidi Vincent, LA
Peggy Vonspreckelsen, NE
Danielle Voyles, LA
Regan Walker, LA
Jack Walker, CT
Lee Wall, LA
Bridgette Walton, MS
Kurt Weiger, MS
April Westgate, LA
Dennis Westgate, LA
Susan Williams, KS
Kristin Williams, LA
Amanda Williams, TN
Duane Wolfe, IL
Tina Woodard, MO
Rachel Wright, GA