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In the hospital, your child will face many events that may make them feel stressed. Some of these include having a lumbar puncture or bone marrow aspirate, an IV placed, a blood pressure reading taken, or even a nurse looking at an ID armband.
Sometimes stressful events can cause patients to feel a lack of control. Some patients may struggle or become aggressive during these events. They might need help staying still. The large number of staff members needed to help can be overwhelming to a child, but comfort positions can help decrease the number of people needed to do a procedure. Using comfort positions can help your child feel more in control. It can lead to a more positive experience and can create a helpful routine for future stressful events.
The following are some comfort positions that can be used during stressful events:
Sit in the bed with your child in front of you. You can hold their hand or provide another form of reassurance.
Sit with your child on your lap, holding their right arm with a hug. This leaves their left arm free.
Sit with your child facing you and their legs off to each side. This way you can hug and comfort them while your health care team works.
Sit with your child in your lap and their legs off toward one side. You can hold their hand or engage them with a book.
Reviewed: October 2022