The only thing Lizzie should have to worry about is having fun

Every child deserves a joyful childhood filled with happy memories. Your donation can give a child facing cancer hope for a better day.




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When Lizzie was only 18 months old, her mother Mary noticed her eyes were crossed. She decided to take Lizzie to get an MRI but never imagined it could be cancer.

Lizzie was diagnosed with optic nerve glioma, a slow-growing brain tumor around the optic nerve. As a result, Lizzie had begun to lose vision in her left eye. Doctors told Mary and her husband that she needed to start treatment, which would likely include chemotherapy.

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A few months after stopping chemotherapy, Mary found herself in a doctor’s office hearing even more devastating news at Lizzie's quarterly checkup. The tumor had grown significantly.

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Her doctors referred them to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Lizzie started participating in a new drug protocol called Mirdametinib.

Two months after Lizzie started the treatment, doctors saw tumor reduction and her vision stopped getting worse.

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Today, Lizzie continues to receive treatment and enjoys kindergarten, jiu-jitsu, and reading at home. She is as fierce as she is sweet, and a future triathlete, according to her parents. They are grateful to have an option for their daughter and hope for a cure.

We were just happy to have a place to go — that we had an option — because, at that point, we felt like there was no other option.

—Mary, Lizzie’s mom

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Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for children under 14

A child can be born with an increased genetic risk for cancer. While for some other children, this happens by chance. Thanks to monthly donations, St. Jude is able to continue its pursuit to find cures and save lives. Help end child childhood cancer, become a monthly donor today.

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