To my fellow Memphians:
More than six decades ago, an entertainer with a 10th grade education by the name of Danny Thomas made a decision that turned out to be so very wise: to build the research hospital of his dreams, the one that would be known worldwide as St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, right here in Memphis, Tennessee. The world and Memphis have forever been changed as a result of that dream.
All these years later, I am convinced that St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital thrives — and not simply survives — because of the way kind-hearted Memphians have embraced this mission.
And we love embracing Memphis right back.
Today, I’m sharing some exciting news that will help enable our continued growth in Memphis for decades into the future: We have acquired 23 parcels of land in the Pinch District, expanding our existing campus westward.
Along with the property we already own in the Pinch District and surrounding areas, the future for the long-term potential expansion of our mission in Memphis is bright. And while it’s far too early to know exactly how we’ll best use the property, we’ll be good neighbors along the way – maintaining its appearance well, supporting small businesses and growth, and exploring how we can work with the community to grow the Pinch District and make it an asset to our city’s continuing renaissance. We intend to be good neighbors, just as we have as we have expanded before, including partnering with governments and community groups alike for the betterment of Uptown and the entirety of Memphis.
Bigger-picture, this continued investment in Memphis demonstrates our optimism in the future of our city and signifies growth — not merely of our campus, but of how our mission works to treat and defeat childhood cancer across the globe. Our investments mean more good-paying jobs for Memphians — some 2,500-plus by the end of this decade, as part the current ALSAC and St. Jude strategic plans. All of this, of course, is made possible by the 11 million generous supporters who have made this mission a movement.
The growth of St. Jude signifies one of the largest economic development initiatives in the history of our city, if not the largest, and it’s already evident today. Right now at the St. Jude campus, there are five cranes in the air building two 15-story buildings dedicated to patient care and clinical research. It’s a more than $1 billion project. And just last year, we opened a $110 million patient and family housing facility, named The Domino’s Village thanks to our amazing partners at Domino’s Pizza. Earlier in 2023, we opened the 45,000-square foot Family Commons, a clinical-free haven for patients and families, after a $50 million commitment from AbbVie. In 2021, we opened a $412 million Inspiration4 Advanced Research Center, a 625,000-square foot facility named in honor of Inspiration4, the world’s first all-civilian space mission to orbit Earth that raised more than $250 million for our mission.
Our campus growth, though, is not solely about bricks and mortar. Think about what will happen inside those buildings, and on this campus: The ongoing work of the $12.9 billion St. Jude strategic plan, the largest in its history, to accelerate treatments and cures across the globe. In the coming months, for instance, St. Jude will launch its $200 million platform to provide free cancer medicines to kids around the world – which we project will grow to impact 120,000 kids in 50 countries.
That’s changing the world, from right here in Downtown Memphis, with Memphians doing the work. I hope you’re as excited as I am for what this means for sick kids around the world, and for our neighbors in Memphis. I believe deeply in our city and its future and continue to be so grateful that Danny Thomas chose this great city so many years ago. Thank you for your love and support of the mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Richard C. Shadyac, Jr.
President and CEO, ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Aerial shot of the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital campus overlooking the Pinch District