Couple’s devotion to St. Jude mission becomes a legacy of love

Angela and Terrell Richards have St. Jude in their estate plans to support lifesaving mission.

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  •  2 min

Angela and Terrell Richards

Angela and Terrell Richards’ connection to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® is rooted in a shared heritage in the Mid-south and a profound admiration for the hospital’s mission.

“I knew one day, I was going to contribute, because I was encouraged by the work St. Jude has done,” Terrell says. 

During the early days of their marriage, the couple mapped out a five-year goal that included a pledge to support the lifesaving mission of St. Jude.

“We said if the Lord blessed us to become successful, one of the things that we would do is give to charities,” Angela recalls.

True to their word, St. Jude became their charity of choice, a promise fulfilled through faith and success. 

Angela and Terrell Richards

Terrell, who serves as co-president of his family’s contracting business, and Angela, a registered nurse who now works with the family business, created their estate plans with a financial advisor and committed to remembering St. Jude in their will.

“We wanted to be impactful and leave a legacy, and part of that legacy would include giving to St. Jude for all that work and care they give to children and families,” Terrell says. 

Angela, who grew up in Memphis, Tenn, only recently realized her family’s unwavering support of St. Jude was rooted in a young family member’s losing battle with leukemia in the 1970s.

“I don’t recall if she was a patient at St. Jude, but my family’s passion for St. Jude has always been strong,” Angela recalls. “We watched the specials and telethons on Sunday, and I saw family members call to donate. When I was old enough to drive, I volunteered at the hospital. St. Jude has been a part of Memphis and my life for as long as I can remember.” 

Angela and Terrell have woven their philanthropy into the fabric of their lives. They volunteer at St. Jude Spirit of the Dream, an annual event that honors the achievements of African American supporters who embody the hospital’s mission. Their family business has sponsored the event in recent years, seeing it as an extension of their commitment to furthering the lifesaving mission of St. Jude.

“Without St. Jude in the world," Terrell asks, "where would we be?” . 

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