Honoring Arab American Heritage Month
This Arab American Heritage Month, we honor those who share Danny Thomas’ heritage, and how their support spread to include people from all backgrounds who have united around the lifesaving mission of St. Jude.

April 03, 2024 • 1 min
Lebanese pediatric cancer charity partners with St. Jude amid years of crisis and instability to save kids
For 21 years, CCCL has worked with St. Jude to save the lives of children with cancer in Lebanon and, increasingly over the past decade, displaced children.
King Hussein Cancer Center in Jordan continues long partnership with St. Jude to help more children with cancer
For 22 years, the King Hussein Cancer Center and the King Hussein Cancer Foundation have partnered with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to save the lives of children with cancer in Jordan and across the Middle East., including Raghad.
Restaurateur of Lebanese-Syrian descent inspired by Danny Thomas’ ‘unconditional love’
Lydia Massaad sees it as her mission to follow in the St. Jude founder’s footsteps, lighting his path, to share this lifesaving mission with the world.
eL Seed's hopeful art finds a home at St. Jude
His artwork, incorporating Arabic calligraphy to create a message of hope, is showcased in the newly renovated Danny Thomas/ALSAC Pavilion
Inspired by his namesake, Minnesota’s Danny Thomas donates to St. Jude
The generous gift was on behalf of Thomas & Sons Construction, the family business his Lebanese immigrant dad built.
From Syria to St. Jude, a refugee recounts a harrowing journey to save his son
In desperation, Hussam knocked on every door he could think of after his son was diagnosed with eye cancer, and found help in an unlikely place.
George Jalinos: Part of his DNA
As a a member of The New York St. Jude Hope and Heritage Gala, George Jalinos is a pillar in the Lebanese Syrian community, and says it's in his DNA to support the mission of St. Jude.
Gladys Abi-Najm: Creating a legacy of generosity through Lebanese food
Through her restaurant business, Gladys Abi-Najm has introduced Americans to the joys of Lebanese cuisine, one piece of pita bread at a time. Her family's heritage is what unites her with St. Jude.
Joyce Aboussie: Finding a life-long purpose
Joyce Aboussie recalls how her dad came home from a meeting with Danny Thomas and announced he planned to support the entertainer's goals, despite the family's limited resources. Now a member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, she inherited a sense of purpose that has spanned her life and culminated in her own service.
George Simon: Working toward a day St. Jude is no longer needed
George Simon, a member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, inherited the mission of St. Jude from his father. He looks forward to a day when there's no longer a need for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Joseph Shaker: Reflecting on the founding of St. Jude
A member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, Joseph Shaker says only St. Jude founder Danny Thomas could have brought everyone together for the purpose of making St. Jude.
Frederick Azar, MD: Supporting the mission in Memphis
Frederick Azar, MD, vice chair of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, believes it's a point of pride as a Memphian to have St. Jude in his city and to work to support the mission.
Judy Habib: Another circle in our lives
Growing up, Judy Habib remembers always having the community of St. Jude in her life. As a member of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, she reflects on the goodness that came out of the common struggle to build St. Jude.
Paul Ayoub: Carrying on a legacy
Paul Ayoub, Chairman of the St. Jude Board of Governors, talks about the legacy he and other early supporters inherited from Danny Thomas, and the purpose he feels to carry that dream forward to help St. Jude families.
David Karam: Continuing a family legacy
St. Jude has been a part of David Karam’s life for as long as he can remember, starting when he volunteered at events as a child with his family. Now, as chair of the ALSAC/ St. Jude Boards of Directors and Governors, he said, “It is a noble and honorable mission.”
Marlo and Tony Thomas: Making dad's dream their own
Marlo and Tony Thomas followed their famous dad, Danny, into the family businesses — show business and St. Jude. Their success in the former gave them a voice they used in the latter, building on his legacy of love and healing.