Gaming community raises $3.385 million in record-smashing St. Jude PLAY LIVE Prize Season

Stars of streaming world have now raised $26.3 million for kids of St. Jude in fundraising program's short history

  •  1 min

If the names LobosJr, Littlesiha and Bloodyfaster don’t register, you might not be a gamer. Or maybe your Wi-Fi was down all of May.

The gaming community spent the month smashing records in the most successful St. Jude PLAY LIVE Prize Season in the program’s six-year history. They combined to raise $3.385 million for the kids of St. Jude, easily blowing by their $2 million goal.


St. Jude PLAY LIVE, a global fundraising campaign in which broadcasters play their favorite games on streaming platforms, and viewers can donate to St. Jude in real time, has now raised $26.3 million in its short history.

This May’s fundraising leaderboard was topped by LobosJr, known for his mastery of difficult games and letting his audience donate to make them harder. He set a single-broadcaster record with more than $254,000 raised.

Littlesiha, a star of the Just Dance video game, led her squad to a team record of more than $221,000, including $140,000 by herself. Bloodyfaster raised more than $126,000 — and rewarded fans by shaving her head.

Sims 4 content creator lilsimsie, in her first year participating in St. Jude PLAY LIVE, raised more than $118,000. Twitch music streamer 88bitmusic, based in the St. Jude hometown of Memphis, brought in more than $115,000.

This year's prize season drew donations from more than 100 countries, and let participants tour St. Jude virtually.

Game on, indeed.