We're grateful for: Bianca, a teen who raised money to help kids with cancer after St. Jude Children's Research Hospital treated her brother

  •  1 min

Bianca's little brother Beckett was diagnosed with leukemia and treated at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital when he was 9. He was too young to know what that meant, but 13-year-old Bianca did. 

For three years, July 2015 to February 2018 — from ages 9 through 12 — her brother was back and forth to St. Jude, getting chemotherapy treatments and checkups. It was hard on the family being apart.  

But Bianca never forgot the moment at Palm Beach International Airport when Beckett came out of security with a sign that read: “I’m cancer free. No more chemotherapy treatment.” That was the moment Bianca decided she wanted to help other families going through the same thing.


Bianca and her mother organized a 5k fundraiser together. The first year brought out more than 250 runners and $25,000 for St. Jude. The second year the event raised $31,000. All because Bianca was so grateful for all that St. Jude had done for Beckett.

"Seeing St. Jude save someone like that is incredible," she said. "And I want to help as much as I can."

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