No South Beach Triathlon, so actors Parker Young, Bryan Greenberg and Geoff Stults find new way to go the distance for St. Jude

With the South Beach Triathlon canceled because of the COVID-19 virus, actor friends Parker Young, Bryan Greenberg and Geoff Stults improvised their way to raising money and awareness for the cause with three “Zoom for St. Jude” virtual hangouts with fans and followers.

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In a normal world, actor friends Parker Young, Bryan Greenberg and Geoff Stults would have spent this Sunday swimming, biking and running for the kids of St. Jude.

But with the South Beach Triathlon canceled because of the COVID-19 virus, the three improvised their way to raising money and awareness for the cause with three “Zoom for St. Jude” virtual hangouts with fans and followers.

Commiserating in the time of the coronavirus, socializing while social distancing and being real in a virtual world — that may be as close as we get to a triathlon, for a while. But Young, whose credits include the TV series “Imposters,” and Greenberg and Stults, who appeared together in the series “October Road,” turned it into a good time for a great cause.

“It’ll be fun, don’t be nervous,” Young said in advance on social media. “If you don’t want to talk, you can just come and hang out.”

The actors are all long-time friends of St. Jude. They’ve participated in fundraising and awareness events in Southern California, where they’re based, and have visited the St. Jude campus in Memphis. They’re also veteran participants in the South Beach Triathlon, of which St. Jude is a charity partner.

“Huge thanks to everybody who joined our virtual hangouts this week!” Young said afterward on social media. “I had so much fun getting to know all of you and raising money for @stjude in the process.”

Fresh off that success, Parker was promptly at it again, planning to host more hangouts to raise money for an emergency COVID-19 relief fund.