We are grateful for: Shirley Krcmar who dedicates her life to the St. Jude cause

  •  1 min

When Danny Thomas took the stage in 1970 in St. Paul, Minnesota, Shirley Krcmar was in the crowd. Her trip for the Epsilon Sigma Alpha international council convention would change the course of her life.

This small-town Ohio woman sat mesmerized as Danny shared the story of his dream. A hospital that would treat children with cancer no matter their race or religion. And their parents wouldn't have to pay for treatment either. He opened that hospital in 1962 in Memphis, Tenn.

But he needed their help, he told the crowd, for the dream to continue.

Shirley Krcmar

For more than 50 years, Shirley Krcmar has furthered the St. Jude cause. She has organized fashion shows, worked charity golf tournaments, sold candy. She has been involved in all manner of other fundraisers — all for the kids.   

“I think I’m gonna live to be 100 so I can’t imagine I wouldn’t keep doing it," she said.

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