Song as a salve for the soul: Mighty Electric St. Jude band covers Stevie Wonder

There’s never a bad time for some Stevie Wonder. Another song about nostalgia for sure. He was only 26 years old when he recorded “I Wish.” We get to hear more from The Mighty Electric St. Jude Band.

  •  1 min

Welcome to day eleventy thousand of sheltering at home. When every day feels like Blursday, we long ago ran out of creative ways to entertain the humans in our household and started inventing AND using words like "eleventy" and "Blursday."

Perhaps video conference fatigue has set in for some of us, while others are trying to figure out this whole TikTok thing because there is a quarantine dance their pre-teen wants to post.

Possibly all of us are yearning for the ambiance of a real restaurant with tables and chairs and plates and silverware. And good conversation with friends. Oh, how we miss that.

At least we still have the trusty Mighty Electric St. Jude Band to provide our tunes, creating an audio-visual backdrop to fit our mood of late: I wish.

Which makes us wonder: Is there ever a bad time for a little Stevie Wonder?

We think not.

As Shawn Kelley, singer and keyboardist, said: "Stevie Wonder makes me glad to be alive."

“He inspires me because he never let blindness keep him from achieving his dreams,” said band member Anna Birkedahl. “It reminds me of the work we do at St. Jude. Our goal is to do everything possible so that our patients can go on to realize their dreams.”

Inspiration. We could all use a little of that right now. So crank up the volume on your walk today for the fourth installment of the MESJB at-home series, and dream of the day when we can all be together again.