A little love, and a lot of soul, from the Mighty Electric St. Jude Band

The members of the Mighty Electric St. Jude Band have a mission to inspire, after all. You can keep them apart, but you can’t keep them down. So they got together — remotely, of course — to perform “Give a Little Love,” an upbeat, horn-driven Tom Jones number sure to bring a little joy in these days of the coronavirus.

  •  2 min

It begins with a soulful blare of trombone. A piano joins in. Then a snapping of fingers. Soon the whole band is playing — and the hopeful, healing power of song is achieved, even in these times of social distancing.

The members of the Mighty Electric St. Jude Band have a mission to inspire, after all. You can keep them apart, but you can’t keep them down.

So they got together — remotely, of course — to perform “Give a Little Love,” an upbeat, horn-driven Tom Jones number sure to bring a little joy in these days of the coronavirus.

Listen to it here. And smile.

The band, made up of St. Jude employees and volunteers, has been playing for more than 15 years, from hired gigs to community concert series. Their credo:

All the money we make, all the tips we rake, and all the walls we shake benefit St. Jude.

They say their favorite gig is the annual St. Jude Memphis Marathon. They set up just outside the gates of the hospital campus, providing a musical welcome to what runners say is the most emotional part of the course — running through campus, in the shadows of the hospital skyline, cheered on by patients, families, caregivers and supporters.

The marathon is all about people coming together for a cause — more than 26,000 runners, with 40,000 cheering them on and some 4,000 volunteers helping make it all happen.

In this time of the coronavirus, we’re told to stay apart, but the need for human connection remains. If anything, it feels stronger than ever. A little love, and a lot of soul, from the Mighty Electric St. Jude Band may be just what we need.