diamond pattern

Isabella celebrates ‘no more chemo’ in style befitting the times

It’s one of the most joyous days at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital — the last day of chemotherapy. It’s a party — a “No More Chemo” party, with cheering and confetti and hospital staff gathering to sing. But that would just be the beginning of the celebration for 4-year-old Isabella.


Love in the time of the new coronavirus

Leticia and Enrique had a dilemma. Each year, they invited people to do eight random acts of kindness on April 8 in memory of their daughter, Arianna, and they spread the word on Facebook. The little girl, a patient at St. Jude, died days before what would have been her eighth birthday on April 8, 2014.


The MAJOR. power of positivity

It makes sense that MAJOR. was one of the first to rise to the occasion of Tyler Perry's #HesGotTheWholeWorldChallenge. MAJOR., the R&B singer-songwriter and actor who calls his community "beautiful people" on the regular, is known as being a hugely positive player in the urban radio landscape.


Important lessons from a coloring book

Unlike any cartoon villain of yore, the orb-shaped title character of a new children’s coloring book seemingly floats across the pages wearing a menacing sneer, a suit of spikes and, strangely enough, a crown.


A cure for loneliness in the age of the coronavirus: A parade of one

Across the country, around the world, it’s happening. People are doing anything and everything they can to bring a little joy to this pandemic-stricken world.


A little love, and a lot of soul, from the Mighty Electric St. Jude Band

The members of the Mighty Electric St. Jude Band have a mission to inspire, after all. You can keep them apart, but you can’t keep them down. So they got together — remotely, of course — to perform “Give a Little Love,” an upbeat, horn-driven Tom Jones number sure to bring a little joy in these days of the coronavirus.


Delivering kindness

In Moss Point, Mississippi, and elsewhere, school buses are delivering meals and supplies to kids during the coronavirus pandemic.


All the ingredients of a nutritious meal, love included

The food pantry at Friends for Life serves the people in the HIV community and their dependents, giving out bags of groceries for those with compromised immune systems.


Look down: there's a message here about who we are

People in communities across the nation have lately been looking down for inspiration. At their neighborhood sidewalks. Sidewalk chalk has become a way to express ourselves, with colorful drawings, messages of hope, and even messages of defiance against the new coronavirus.


Teachers rise to this teachable moment

The St. Jude Educator Ambassador Network is made up of six social media influencers with an education focus. The network has donated free downloadable resources so that we can offer them to our educator and parent supporters in this time of need.


About this blog

About this blog

We went looking for acts of kindness in the time of the coronavirus — and found them everywhere. People looking out for a neighbor or stranger. People putting the most vulnerable among us first. People making human connections, even in this time of social distancing. As St. Jude founder Danny Thomas said: “Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others.”