Selected Publications
Quintana AM, Grosveld GC. Zebrafish as a Model to Characterize TEL2 function During Development and Cancer. J Carcinogene Mutagene doi: 10.4172/2157-2518.S1-001.
Marshall A, Lagutina I, Grosveld GC. PAX3-FOXO1 Induces Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Expression Which Enhances Cell Invasive and Metastatic Capacity. Cancer Research 71(24):7471-80, 2011. Epub 2011.
Marshall AD, van der Ent MA, Grosveld GC. PAX3-FOX01 and FGFR4 in Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. Molecular Carcinogenesis Doi: 10.1002/mc20848 (Epub ahead of print) August, 2011.
Picchione F, Pritchard D, Lagutina I, Janke L, Grosveld GC. IRIZIO: a Novel Gene Cooperating with PAX3-FOXO1 in Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS). Carcinogenesis, 2010.
Kamizono S, Duncan GS, Seidel MG, Morimoto A, Hamada K, Grosveld G, Akashi K, Lind EF, Haight JP, Ohashi PS, Look AT, Mak TW. Nfil3/E4bp4 is required for the development and maturation of NK cells in vivo. J Exp Med 206:2977-2986, 2009.
Kandilci A, Grosveld GC. Reintroduction of CEBPA in MN1-overexpressing hematopoietic cells prevents their hyper proliferation and restores myeloid differentiation. Blood 114:1596-1606, 2009.
Wise-Draper TM, Mintz-Cole RA, Morris TA, Simpson DS, Wikenheiser-Brokamp KA, Currier MA, Cripe TP, Grosveld GC, Wells SI. Overexpression of the cellular DEK protein promotes epithelial transformation in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Res 69:1792-1799, 2009.
Grosveld, GC. γ –secretase inhibitors: Notch so bad. Nature Med 15(1):20-21, 2009.
Meester-Smoor MA, Janssen MJ, Grosveld GC, de Klein A, van IJcken WF, Douben H, Zwarthoff EC. MN1 affects expression of genes involved in hematopoiesis and can enhance as well as inhibit RAR/RXR-induced gene expression. Carcinogenesis 29(10):2025-2034, 2008.
Kawagoe H, Kandilci A, Kranenburg TA, Grosveld GC. Overexpression of N-Myc rapidly causes acute myeloid leukemia in mice. Cancer Res 67: 10677-85, 2007.
Grosveld GC. MN1, a novel player in human AML. Blood Cells Mol Dis 39: 336-9, 2007. Epub 2007 Aug 14.
Ozbek U, Kandilci A, van Baal S, Bonten J, Boyd K, Franken P, Fodde R, Grosveld GC. SET-CAN, the product of the t(9;9) in acute undifferentiated leukemia, causes expansion of early hematopoietic progenitors and hyperproliferation of stomach mucosa in transgenic mice. Am J Pathol 171: 654-66, 2007. Epub 2007 Jun 14.
Carella C, Bonten J, Sirma S, Kranenburg TA, Terranova S, Klein-Geltink R, Shurtleff S, Downing JR, Zwarthoff EC, Liu PP, Grosveld GC. MN1 overexpression is an important step in the development of inv(16) AML. Leukemia 21: 1679-90, 2007. Epub 2007 May 24
van Wely KH, Meester-Smoor MA, Janssen MJ, Aarnoudse AJ, Grosveld GC, Zwarthoff EC. The MN1-TEL myeloid leukemia-associated fusion protein has a dominant-negative effect on RAR-RXR-mediated transcription. Oncogene 26: 5733-40, 2007. Epub 2007 Mar 19
Meester-Smoor MA, Molijn AC, Zhao Y, Groen NA, Groffen CA, Boogaard M, van Dalsum-Verbiest D, Grosveld GC, Zwarthoff EC. The MN1 oncoprotein activates transcription of the IGFBP5 promoter through a CACCC-rich consensus sequence. J Mol Endocrinol 38: 113-25, 2007.
Carella C, Bonten J, Rehg J, Grosveld GC. MN1-TEL, the product of the t(12;22) in human myeloid leukemia, immortalizes murine myeloid cells and causes myeloid malignancy in mice. Leukemia 20: 1582-92, 2006. Epub 2006 Jun 29
Carella C, Potter M, Bonten J, Rehg JE, Neale G, Grosveld GC. The ETS factor TEL2 is a hematopoietic onco-protein. Blood 107:1124-32, 2006.
Bois PR, Brochard VF, Salin-Cantegrel AV, Cleveland JL, Grosveld GC. FoxO1a-cyclic GMP-dependent kinase I interactions orchestrate myoblast fusion. Mol Cell Biol 25: 7645-56, 2005.
Kawagoe H, Grosveld G. Conditional MN1-TEL knock-in mice develop acute myeloid leukemia in conjunction with overexpression of HOXA9. Blood 106:4269-77, 2005.
Kawagoe H, Grosveld G. MN1-TEL myeloid oncoprotein expressed in multipotent progenitors perturbs both myeloid and lymphoid growth and causes T-lymphoid tumors in mice. Blood 106: 4278-86, 2005.
Kandilci A, Grosveld G. SET-induced calcium signaling and MAPK/ERK pathway activation mediate dendritic cell–like differentiation of U937 cells. Leukemia 19:1439-45, 2005.
Cardone M, Kandilci A, Carella C, Nilsson JA, Brennan JA, Sirma S, Ozbek U, Boyd K, Cleveland JL, Grosveld GC. The novel ETS factor TEL2 cooperates with Myc in R-lymphomagenesis. MCB 25:2395-405, 2005.
Kawagoe H, Potter M, Ellis J, Grosveld G. TEL2, an ETS Factor Expressed in Human Leukemia, Regulates Monocytic Differentiation of U937 Cells and Blocks the Inhibitory Effect of TEL1 on Ras-Induced Cellular Transformation. Cancer Res 64:6091-100, 2004.
Bois P, Grosveld G. FKHR (FOX01a) is required for myotube fusion of primary mouse myoblasts. EMBO J 22:1147-1157, 2003.
van Wely KH, Molijn AC, Buijs A, Meester-Smoor MA, Aarnoudse AJ, Hellemons A, denBesten P, Grosveld G, Zwarthoff EC. The MN1 oncoprotein synergizes with coactivators RAC3 and p300 in RAR-RXR-mediated transcription. Oncogene 22(5):699-709, 2003.
Last update: February 2013