The St. Jude Pediatric Oncology Facility Integrated Local Evaluation Tool, or PrOFILE, is a full evaluation resource of health-system delivery. PrOFILE helps care teams and institutions define an improvement strategy to increase childhood cancer survival.
It offers comprehensive, modular and guided institutional self-assessment. Multiple stakeholders can identify and prioritize solutions to improve care in their local region. PrOFILE allows insightful benchmarking and local tracking of progress over time.
Modules include national context, facility and local context, diagnostics, finances and resources, service capacity and service integration. Treatments are also included, such as chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy and supportive care. Patient, personnel and outcomes are also defined as modules.
PrOFILE has three phases of implementation: preparation, assessment, and interpretation and action. The PrOFILE team will assist in action plans based on facility’s priorities, score-based analysis, ongoing monitoring and reporting of progress.
PrOFILE also provides qualitative and quantitative site reports with score and comments by one of the 13 modules.
Meet the Team
Paola Friedrich, MD, MPH
- PrOFILE Lead
Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, MD
Miriam Gonzalez-Guzman, MD, MSc
- PrOFILE Research Data Specialist
Janet Middlekauff
- PrOFILE Senior Research Systems Analyst