St. Jude Supporters Wall

Add your name to the hallway that connects our Patient Care and Research Centers: a concourse between unparalleled medical care and lifesaving discoveries.

View Plaques



standard plaque on the Supporters wall


4 x 2 inches

Supporter Plaque


standard plaque on the Supporters wall


5 x 2 inches

Patron Plaque


medium plaque on the Supporters wall


6 x 2 inches

Sponsor Plaque


large plaque on the Supporters wall


6 x 2.5 inches

Century Member Plaque


premium plaque on the Supporters wall


9 x 3 inches

Ambassador Plaque


woman walks in a hallway, wall is decorated by a series of names engraved on it.

The St. Jude Supporters Wall is located prominently in the hospital, at the entrance of the Danny Thomas Research Center. Your plaque will serve as a source of hope to St. Jude families, scientists, doctors, staff and visitors who visit the hospital each day.


Other dedication options



Recognition Walls

1 (800) 876-5104