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How St. Jude is helping cure childhood cancer

St. Jude is working to give kids everywhere a chance to survive pediatric cancer. Learn how we’re working to achieve that goal and how you can help. 

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Why does St. Jude work to raise childhood cancer cure rates?

An estimated 400,000 children worldwide get cancer each year. In many countries, 4 out of 5 will not survive, largely due to the lack of access to quality care. This is why we work to find a cure for childhood cancer while ensuring no family recieves a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food. 

Every child deserves a chance to live their best life and celebrate every moment. When you support St. Jude, you can help make cures possible for kids with cancer. Together, we can save more lives.


How St. Jude helps raise childhood cancer cure rates worldwide

St. Jude seeks to improve cure rates for pediatric cancer and catastrophic blood disease worldwide by:
  • Expanding both the Department of Global Pediatric Medicine and St. Jude Global.
  • Developing St. Jude-staffed regional operation units that are strategically located to meet the growing needs of the St. Jude Global Alliance.
  • Expanding infrastructure to run clinical trials around the world.
  • Leading the development of a worldwide drug distribution program to provide the medicines required to treat pediatric cancer patients.
  • Developing and testing country and region-specific approaches to expand pathology and laboratory medicine diagnostic services to care for children with cancer.

Explore the St. Jude Strategic Plan

Patient Adalyn lays on a hospital chair on her stomach wearing a mask and a concerned look.

St. Jude patient Adalyn


How you can help St. Jude find cures for childhood cancer

There are many ways you can get involved with St. Jude and help us work toward the day when no child dies in the dawn of life.

Red icon of a dollar sign within a circle.


Donate any amount and help change the world for kids with cancer.

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Set up an online fundraiser to support children with cancer worldwide.

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Red icon of a person raising their hand to volunteer.


Wherever you live, you can volunteer for St. Jude! Find an opportunity near you, or search for options at our campus in Memphis, Tenn.

Volunteer for St. Jude

Red icon of a one-connects-to-two share diagram within a rounded square.


Share our mission on social media, and rally your community to join you as we work to cure childhood cancer everywhere.


Why contribute to help cure childhood cancer?

When you join St. Jude in this mission, you'll become part of a team of donors, volunteers, doctors, researchers and more than 200 institutions in more than 75 countries united to give ALL kids — no matter where they live — the chance to grow up.

St. Jude believes children everywhere deserve the same chance at survival, and you are a critical partner in this mission. Treatments developed at St. Jude have helped raise the survival rate for children with cancer in the United States, where 4 out of 5 children survive cancer.

You can help St. Jude focus on what matters most – saving kids.

Art of globe by St. Jude patient Calvin.

Art by St. Jude patient Calvin

St. Jude patient Tina holding a photo of herself when she was in treatment for cancer.

St. Jude patient Tina


Donate and get a T-shirt

Give to St. Jude. Get the shirt. Help kids beat cancer.

Make a gift of $19 a month or $228 once and get this awesome St. Jude T-shirt to show the world you support the kids of St. Jude.

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