Install the app
Get our app from Shift4Shop, which will install the St. Jude donation option onto your store's website.

Ask for donations
After your customers check out, they'll have the option to make a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

St. Jude patient Zoe and her mom
Help St. Jude kids
100% of donations will go directly to St. Jude, where families never receive a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food.
St. Jude Donation App features:
- Free for merchants to use
- Allows your customers to add a donation after checkout to give back to St. Jude kids
- Customers can choose from multiple donation amounts ($5, $10, $20 or select “other” amount of their choosing)
- 100% of donations go directly to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude is proud to partner with Shift4Shop
Shift4Shop is a feature-rich e-commerce platform serving businesses of all sizes in a wide range of industries across the globe. The turnkey e-commerce experience includes tools to help businesses succeed — including a free, post-checkout donation tool dedicated to St. Jude, so businesses can make a social impact.
Art by St. Jude patient Jaden

How does cause marketing work?
Brands and charities can make an even bigger impact when they work together. And consumers pay attention: when you join the St. Jude mission, you're not only helping kids with cancer and other life-threatening diseases, your brand can benefit as well.
of consumers have good vibes toward retailers after giving at point-of-sale.*
of consumers are more likely to shop at the retailer again because they could donate at the point-of-sale.*
St. Jude donors are up to 2x more likely to shop those brands which show support of a cause.†
* Accelerist “Raise More at the (NEW) Register,” 2020
† EDGE Research, 2018
Art by St. Jude patient Jaden