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Share your fundraising idea


Your support makes a difference. Because the majority of St. Jude funding comes from individual contributors, St. Jude has the freedom to focus on what matters most – saving kids regardless of their financial situation.

You can help St. Jude in a variety of ways:

Or, share an idea we haven’t thought of yet! Please submit your idea at least 60 days prior to your proposed start date. You must be at least 18 years of age or older to submit a proposal. Be sure to explore our list of fundraising ideas for inspiration.

Fill out my online form.

Please do not submit information that you consider confidential or proprietary. It is possible that the idea you wish to submit has been previously considered, is in development, is being tested or is being implemented. If you submit an idea, you do so with the understanding that St. Jude cannot accept information other than that which you intend to share freely, without any compensation to the submitter.

Due to safety and liability concerns, some types of events cannot be approved, including:

  • Long distance endurance events
  • Record setting endurance events
  • Ideas requiring telemarketing, direct mail, door-to-door sales, or vending machines
  • Ideas requiring the acquisition, use, or solicitation of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital donors, vendors, partners, or employees.
  • Ideas that market, advertise or promote products or services
  • Ideas associated with products or services including, but not limited to tobacco, adult content and firearms.

By receiving information on your fundraising idea, St. Jude is not obligated to enter into a fundraising program with you. All written or printed material containing St. Jude logos or trademarks, before and after your fundraising begins, must be submitted to us for approval before circulation. Funds should be given to ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research Hospital no later than 60 days after your program has been completed.

By submitting your fundraising idea you agree to assume all risks and liabilities associated with the proposal and hereby release and hold harmless ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research Hospital's entities, their directors, officers, employees, agents, and successors from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or may occur in connection with the event, including without limitation, and personal injuries or damages to property that may occur in conjunction with your proposal.
