You have until March 31, 2025 to direct the remaining Choice Dollars® to help St. Jude families.

Your impact
Thrivent Financial and its subsidiary companies have donated over $12.4 million since joining our mission in 2011.
How $12.4 million could help St. Jude kids:*
$12.4 million could help St. Jude provide 1,214 days of inpatient care
$12.4 million could help St. Jude provide 44,200 hours of physical therapy
$12.4 million could help St. Jude provide 1,588 CT scans
When you make a donation using this information, your donation will be used to provide breakthrough research, treatment and cures. Items listed here are representative of services and supplies that are part of the treatment and care of children at St. Jude. The cost of each item or service is an approximation, and will vary based on actual costs incurred and individual patient needs. Your donation will be used for the general operating needs of St. Jude, where no family ever receives a bill for treatment, travel, housing or food.