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National Cancer Survivors Day

Every child deserves a chance to live their best life and celebrate every moment. Learn more about how to celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day this June and how you can support St. Jude in our lifesaving mission to cure childhood cancer. 

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Patient Beckett smiles and shows off his shirt, which reads

St. Jude patient Beckett


What is National Cancer Survivors Day?

National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual day of recognition when cancer survivors (alongside friends, family and loved ones) come together to connect and celebrate their journeys. It is also a time to focus on raising cancer awareness as well as the funds necessary to find cures for cancer and save even more lives.

When is National Cancer Survivors Day?

National Cancer Survivors Day is celebrated annually on the first Sunday in June. In 2024, this falls on June 2. 

What does it mean to be a cancer survivor?

Although its meaning may vary depending on an individual’s experience, generally speaking, a cancer survivor is anyone who is currently living and has a history of cancer. 


How can I celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day? 

Whether you are a cancer survivor yourself or know someone who is, there are plenty of ways you can celebrate and participate in National Cancer Survivors Day. Here are a few ideas for inspiration.


Ways to spread hope and joy

  •  Share stories of hope, resilience and triumph in both your online and in-person communities
  •  Send inspirational virtual cards to St. Jude patients and their families
  • Organize a gathering with friends, family and other survivors
  • Host or join cancer survivor support groups
Spring artwork by St. Jude patient Amber

Art by St. Jude patient Amber


Ways to raise awareness and funds

Patient Mayela, smiling and with long flowing hair, holds a framed photo of a picture of her while undergoing cancer treament

St. Jude patient Mayela


Help us find cures for childhood cancer

As a nonprofit organization, St. Jude relies on the support of our generous donors to keep pushing for better treatment and cures for all types of cancer. When you donate to St. Jude, not only are you helping us progress in our lifesaving work, you are also supporting children with cancer around the world. 

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