In many Asian cultures, there is no word for cancer. Boua Xiong, St. Jude volunteer and Minnesota advisory council member, has been sharing her experience with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital with the Asian community in Minnesota, educating family and friends about an incredible resource that is helping families in Minnesota and globally.
“I’m part of a community that may not know about St. Jude, and I have the power to share the incredible mission of the hospital,” said Boua. “When I’m talking to my family or friends, I’m able to help educate them about childhood cancer, how St. Jude is fighting to save the lives of children, and that there is a wonderful organization that is there for you.”
Boua connected with St. Jude during her time at Best Buy, a national partner of St. Jude, and the Thanks and Giving campaign that takes place during the holiday season.
“Best Buy has a culture that loves St. Jude,” said Boua. “Working on the Thanks and Giving campaign, I learned about the hospital’s mission and saw firsthand the actual impact of every dollar donated. During the busiest time of year for Best Buy, the St. Jude partnership served as a bright spot. It’s not just about selling televisions. It’s helping make families’ holiday wishes come true.”

Boua now works in the med-tech community and “see[s] how health impacts everybody. Everyone touches health at some point.”
That includes the most vulnerable among us: children fighting cancer.
“It’s different to be on the [St. Jude] campus. I saw founder Danny Thomas’ footprints everywhere. Seeing patients who are going through the most devasting thing in their lives but because of the care they are receiving, I felt inspired. St. Jude is a place that carries a lot of hope.”
“I share the mission of St. Jude because it is a true impact — it’s the real deal.”
“When people ask me what I do in my spare time, it’s inspiring to tell people that I help St. Jude. The hospital has a global reach but an incredible local impact. It is 100% my duty to tell the [hospital’s impact] and I’m happy to share about St. Jude in any way that I can.”
“St. Jude has no boundaries. It helps families here in Minnesota and around the world. St. Jude needs your help. This is your opportunity to support an organization with no strings attached. One that is so important when families are going through the worst news in their lives. St Jude gives help.”